
  (Who does that  kid think he is?!) I put my hands in my pocket and watched as MY Velly was being takenaway from me. (I better act quick if I want this thing with them to end...or else I'll never have her.) I lookked at G-Dragon. He had his eyes on her too. I've known since the party, but now he's gonna have her to hmself for about a month.....(I won't stand by any longer!) 

I walked back in the other direction ignoring GD and whoever the other guy was.

 *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  (Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend? I know she knows i was flirting with her. And she was all mine at the party until...) Then I thought about it. (Did she see me with CL?) It's too late to be thinking about that now....but now she's walking away from with a guy with the face of a horse anf a glare that could halt a elephant, I felt mmy phone buzz and I looked at it. (Crap!! 12 missed calls from Cl, 7 from Minzy, 5 from Dara and 20 from Park Bom, 5 new messages, and 2 voicemails!? OMG im gonna hear it now. Man I dont even want to look at the messages let alone call back.) I mushed my phone into my face. When i put ot down i looked back into the direction the Velonica walked away. (What's his name... Hero...Helo......Hiro...yea...i think..)

*CL P.O.V*

  I was sitting in the hotel room with Park when my phone rang. I looked down at it and it was JiYong's face, i answered imediately. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THAT YOU CAN'T ANSWER ANY OF MY CALLS OR TEXT ME BACK, HUH!? AND DON'T SAY YOU WERE REHEARING OR IN A SHOW 'CAUSE I CALLED YOU MANAGER AND HE SAID YOU DIDN'T!! SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ARE YOU HAVING SEX WITH THAT GIRL!!!', I was furious... but for why.

  "Cl im sorry ok!!!! my phone was on vibrate and i didn't feel it in my pocket im sorry! i wasn't with who ever you're talking about. Im wearing those baggy jeans you picked out and i didn't feel it vinrate ok...."


  He got quiet and i felt like exploding. (So I was right!!) "SO YOU WERE!! YOU GET ON MY LAST..ARGHHUGGH." I hung up the ohone before he could say another word and tossed it across the room to the couch. (How dare he!?) I crossed my arms and legs and scoweld at the wall.

  "He's with her?", Bom asked.

  I shot her a glare and she backed off and walked away. (This girl is ruining my life and my plans!!)

 *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  I put the phone down and shook my head. (Why did i act guilty!? Now she's gonna let me have it.) I looked up at TaeYang and he was laughing.

  "What's so funny?", i asked slightly irritated.

  He stops laughing and shook his head. "Your girl is unnecessarily crazy... kinda happy i didn't aske her out." He sat down in a chair and took a swig of what looked like water.

  I glared at him and clenched my phone. (smart-alec.) "You really piss me off sometimes.", I stated walking over twords the couch.

  "Well i tell the truth! She's crazy... and sexy... but her crazy out weighs the sexy, so im good.", He leaned back with his hands behind his head.

  I sat down with my elbow on my knees. I looked down at th floor. (Is this worth fighting for? She's kinda.....really clingy.)


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