Prologue - A World Changer... Literally

Start from the beginning

Ms. Stewart: Now, a few students haven't completed some of the assignments. Now, I don't want to be grading papers after a long vacation, so I'm willing to be generous. You can stay after school and finish them, but if I catch you not doing it, you'll have to leave.

Random Student: Um, Ms. Stewart. Who are they?

Ms. Stewart: I was just about to do that. The people are Rhoda Wright, Amy Turner, Paul Butler, Dennis Wood, Kieron Lucero, Cora Rowland, Kyla Ferrell, Ahmad Johns, and Scarlet Lane.

The called on students do stay after, since none of them want to do homework after a long trip. As the bell rings, everyone starts to leave and Y/n grabs his stuff.

Ms. Stewart: Y/n, I know you probably want to go, but could you please watch the others for me? I need to get some copies done.

Y/n: *nods head* Sure.

Ms. Stewart: Thank you so much, Y/n!

As Ms. Stewart heads out to get the copies done, Y/n just sits back down and looks out his window seat. However, unknown to all of them, something is coming out of the sky, which everyone else in the school has noticed.

The people have evacuated, but then one of Y/n's classmates remembers that the system thing in their classroom rarely works in the afternoons

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The people have evacuated, but then one of Y/n's classmates remembers that the system thing in their classroom rarely works in the afternoons. This causes people to panic a bit more.

As people try to get Y/n's attention, seeing that he's still in there, they fail, since he's listening to his music. Ms. Stewart then comes back in and sees the students still working.

Ms. Stewart: Thank you for watching them, Y/n. You can leave now.

Y/n: Cool.

However, right before Y/n can leave the room, the unknown object hits the school, blowing it to smithereens and having Y/n, his teacher, and his other classmates that were in the room blown to nothing but ashes.

Principal: What happened...?

Female Student: No way... the entire school...

Male Student: It's just... gone.

Female Teacher: Those ten students... and Ms. Stewart...

Male Teacher: They're all... dead.


Y/n's POV

Y/n: What happened...? What was that? I need to get out of here!

As I try to move, I hit my head.

Y/n: My head! Am I under a rock? Wasn't I just leaving the classroom?

I then look to see some light on two sides.

Y/n: That's it! I'll grab the rock and move it! I've got to try!

I use the little light I have and grab the rock and push it out of the way.

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