Part 13: The unknown entity

Start from the beginning

Emilia then quickly made her escape

After running for a few minutes Emilia finally got away from the market place and arrived at the central plaza in which the huge fountain is located, Emilia gave out a tired sigh before sitting down on it


"Looks like things won't be smooth for us in the long run, I knew that people would discriminate against you but I didn't expect it to be this bad...and your insignia too..."


Emila says as she showed a self-deprecating smile

".....if the candidates are announced the situation will only get worse...Haaa these humans, how could they not acknowledge and praise the perfect art form known as my daughter?!"

"Tehehe stop being silly puck.....Well, it's only natural they would do so, I'm a half-elf, and my reasons for running are selfish and personal...I'm sure that if I ever win I would be an irresponsible leader, I mean look at me now, If I couldn't even safely protect a small insignia
how much more if I lead a country?"

"Hmmm....well don't sweat too much about your reasons Lia, I've known fools who became kings for reasons far worse than yours"

"You do?....."

This fact surprised Emilia because in her naive mind, a king is always supposed to be smart, wise, noble, and possess a great sense of adoration for their country

"That was a long time ago though, a certain greedy woman used to roam around the world bestowing great power and knowledge to the most foolish, arrogant, and despicable of humans. Naturally, these people gained influence and power which made them the leaders of their perspective countries"


"But their reign didn't last long, and that's because of the reason why they became king in the first place. One of them became a king with the goal of only making the biggest female harem known in history, another became the king in order to eat all of the food he could, while another became king with the goal of burning the entire world"


"So don't beat yourself up for your selfish reasons Lia, compared to those people, your goal is fine and noble"

Emilia still felt a bit down but started to cheer up little by little

"Your way of cheering me up sometimes is strange but....thanks puck..."

"Anything for my beautiful daughter"

"Hmmm....but why did the greedy woman make them kings in the first place?"

"To satisfy her curiosity most likely...Haaa...that woman...if only she knew the mess she created...."

"Hrm? you sound like you knew this person puck"

"Something like that, well enough about that Lia, we need to find the kid that sto-"

"Oh, forgive me if I'm wrong but is that you miss Emilia?"

A voice disturbed Puck as he was speaking, both of them turned in the direction of the voice and saw a red-haired man who was wearing the uniform of the royal knights, his eyes were blue as the morning sky and in his hip was the legendary sword that possessed great power

Both of them immediately recognized him as the one who currently bears the title of sword saint, Reinhard van Astrea

"Oh Reinhard-san it's been a while, are you on duty right now?"

"Nothing of the's my day off right now and I couldn't really think of doing anything so I'm just patrolling at the moment. It's actually convenient that I came across you, someone wanted me to pass down a message to you "

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