With her im complete 

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Adrians pov
We finally went inside after I had to drag her cause I didn't want her getting sick. When we got in my house we went to my room and before doing anything I started taking off my shirt and I tuned to see a red faced Mari I laughed and said "relax I'm just Changing out of my wet clothes" I went into the bathroom and came out with a t-shirt and sweats I realized Mari didn't have any dry clothes when I saw her standing in the middle of the room still she laughed and I gave her a shirt and she got out some old leggings from her backpack she changed and came out her hair was still wet we laid on my bed and relaxed for a little and I heard thunder we both shot up and looked outside there was a crazy storm now and thunder and lightning I told Mari that I don't feel comfortable her going home in the weather she gave me a sly smile and said "are you sure you aren't just trying to keep me here?" She giggled I rolled my eyes playfully and she grabbed her phone off the bed and said she was gonna stay at alyas cause of the crazy weather she hung up and went back to the window with me I put my arm around her and said "looks like we are having a sleepover princess" she kissed my cheek and yawned then walked over to the bed and pooped down she patted the spot next to her implying that she wanted me to come cuddle I walked over and laid down. She fell asleep in my arms and all I could think about was her beauty and that fact that she had said she loved me for the first time while we were in the rain maybe soon I can call her my girlfriend but for now I'm fine with what I have with her.

Mari's pov
I opened my eyes and saw grey I was confused till I realized I was looking at Adrians chest with his grey shirt I got up and walked to the restroom when I got back he was gone from the bed then I heard him from the kitchen and saw him making hot chocolate I walked over with a smile he kissed my forehead and handed it to me. I love him so much I'm glad I'm able to admit that now his green eyes were starting at me and I laughed and came closer and leaned my head on him.

Adrians pov
This was all I've ever wanted with the girl I love   I could stare at her forever without a glimpse of the world again and be fine with it as long as I see her or I'm with her I feel complete.

The "bad boy" Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ