First day of senior year

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Mari's pov
I was sketching like always while looking at the trees outside the back of the class window when I heard whispering and looked up and a guy walked in he was muscular and tall he was wearing blue jeans with a tight white t-shirt and a leather jacket over top he was introducing himself and said his name was Adrian Agreste I didn't care much and just looked down at my sketches again till I got a text from my best friend Alya. I smiled at the text when I read it , she sent a dumb meme and then I looked up for a second and made eye contact with the new boy he had deep green eyes I blinked a couple times and looked back at my phone responded to Alya and put my phone under my leg on my chair.

Adrian's pov
I walked into my first day of senior year at a new school I took the move here as a way to reinvent myself I would work out and get in shape and then get some new clothes to give off some bad boy vibes. When I talked to the teacher she told me her name was ms.bustier and started to introduce me I said my name was Adrian Agreste and that I ride a motorcycle and a few of my hobbies. Then a girl in the back of the class caught my attention she had blue long wavy hair with some braids and beads on those braids she didn't seem to be paying attention I saw her check her phone and smile her smile made me melt. I was basically starting at her till she looked up and we made eye contact she had deep blue eyes she quickly blinked and looked back down at her phone, typed then put it away I saw her drawing something I probably looked so creep just watching her but she was so beautiful the teacher told me that there was only one seat open in the back of the she apologized but I told her it was fine since I had perfect vision but when she pointed to the seat it was right next to that girl I took a big gulp before walking over and sitting down I was doing fine while taking notes on the math till I looked at her in the corner of my eyes she was resting her head on the palm of her hand with her elbow on the  desk she had an adorable button nose I zoned out staring at her till I felt something hit my nose and saw her leaning over to my desk "hey dork pay attention to the board " she said while leaning back to her desk I blinked a few time and said " did you just call me dork?" With a stupid smile on my face she rolled her eyes and leaned back over "Yes cause I'm not buying this whole reinvent yourself bad boy biker type" she said with a a smirk on her face she went back to her sketching and I bit my lip and leaned back in my seat with a dumb smile.

Mari's pov
I had to admit he was cute but he's a dork and I don't date or have crushes or have friends just Alya and luka but he was interesting class was over and I was putting my stuff away and when I turned to get out of my seat he was zoned out again so I hit him with my pencil topper on his nose again and said "earth to dork" while waving my hand in his face, he slowly came to while blinking fast so I leaned down and said while making eye contact "if your gonna keep trying with this bad boy act you might wanna zone out less it's a pretty dorky thing to do" I smirked and almost walked away till I decided not to and said "out of pure curiosity what class do you have next?" With my lips slightly puckered he handed me his schedule with two fingers on each side of the folded paper while he was still putting his things away I unfolded the paper to see that we had a lot and I mean a LOT of classes together I threw my head back and dramatically Sighed.

Adrians pov
She let out a dramatic sigh and I look up to see her with her head thrown back so I smiled and asked "what is it ?" And she answered putting her head back up " well looks like we will be getting to know each other. She threw the paper with my schedule on it at my desk so I picked it up and put it in my pocket "so will you walk me since I have no idea where it is" I said with a smirk in my face she rolled her eyes and agreed.

A/n:so that's the first chapter ig not that anyone will see this 🙂😭

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