Urahara stirred beside him. He turned to face his friend. "What fun we had last night," he whispered.

"Shoulda taken ya up on yer offer months ago," Shinji whispered back, brushing a strand of hair out of Urahara's face.

"Can't change the past, but we can let it change our future," Urahara laughed quietly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm still so tired. What time's the Captain meeting?" Shinji groaned.

"We still have some time. Come lay closer."

Shinji moved slightly and wrapped his arms around Urahara's bare waist. He nuzzled his face into his shoulder and closed his eyes. Urahara smelled like sage and sake too.


"You two lovebirds are gonna make us late!" Yoruichi yelled as she threw a waraji at the pair still in bed.

"Such a mean kitty," Urahara said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Good thing neither of you messed up your robes. You'd never have time to get back to your quarters. Kisuke, here." She threw him his robes. "Shinji." He caught his and got up sleepily.

"Why do they always schedule these things so early after a party?" he groaned, tying the obi around his waist.

"Yamamoto is a sadistic fuck," Yoruichi replied, sitting in a chair in the corner, waiting for her comrades.

"Should we show up separately? Since we left together?" Shinji asked, scratching his head.

"Old Man Yama always says a Captain's personal life is of no interest to him, and should be of no interest to anyone else. They won't care, and even if they do, they wouldn't dream of mentioning it," Yoruichi explained.

"So that's how Kyoraku gets away with it," Shinji remarked.

"You two ready?"

The boys nodded, and Yoruichi started for the door. The trio walked silently to the meeting hall.


Shinji flew backwards as a pair of feet collided with his face. "Ah! Hiyori! What the fuck!" He grabbed his nose, which was now dripping blood.

The terrifyingly small girl stood over him, foot in his chest. "Did you really fuck my captain?! How could you!?"

Shinji's eyes widened. He looked to Urahara, who looked equally as concerned. Yoruichi shook her head and kept walking.

"Now now, Hiyori-chan, this is a misunderstanding," Urahara said softly, crouching down to her level. "Shinji and I went to Yoruichi's house to play some daifugō after the festivities last night. We drank more and ended up just staying the night instead of wobbling back to our own futons."

Hiyori removed her foot from Shinji's chest. "Is that true, Hage-Shinji?"

"Yes, yes, absolutely!" He scrambled to stand before being knocked down again.

"It's your lucky day, I guess. Taicho!" she yelled. "How dare you leave the opening remarks to me! Don't do it again!"

Urahara laughed sheepishly. "I'm surprised any squad members were even awake enough to merit giving opening remarks."

"Well they were. Now let's get to this meeting." Hiyori crossed her arms and stomped into the meeting hall.

Once in the room, they all assumed their positions. Aizen stood behind Shinji smirking.

"How was your little ménage à trois?" he said, loudly enough for the other Captains to hear.

"'Scuse me?!" Shinji shouted, turning to face his vice captain.

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