Part 2

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Janet woke up the next morning with a splitting hangover. She was surprised to find herself laying in Katrina's arms on the couch. What happened last night? She thought. She tried hard to remember, and eventually it fell back onto her. She felt a flush of embarrassment. She wanted to kick herself, why did she let Katrina see her like that?
Janet gently pulled away from Katrina, who was still sleeping. Janet couldn't help but study her face. How perfect her eyelashes were, her face, her beautiful hair and soft looking lips. She looked so gorgeous. Janet caught herself and silently scolded herself, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. She brushed it off and headed over to the fridge and pulled out a red Gatorade to help with the hangover. She sat down at the kitchen table, slowly thinking over everything that happened.
After Katrina had given her a long hug, Janet fell asleep in her arms. Katrina didn't want to disturb her so she just brought her to the couch, where they both fell asleep.
Janet leaned on her arms, her hands covering her face. She hit her hands against her face a couple times, not sure of what to do. She was sure Katrina wouldn't tell anyone, but she felt it might be a bit awkward for them now.
Katrina sat up, realizing she was in Janets living room, turning around she saw Janet with her hands over her face. Janet pulled up, sighing, mumbling something before realizing Katrina was awake. Katrina sleepily dragged herself into Janets kitchen, sitting across from her on the kitchenette island. "Доброе утро (Dobryy utro, good morning)" Katrina yawned. "Morning," Janet replied, pushing the Gatorade towards Katrina. Katrina took a sip, not really liking the taste, but it helped calm the headache she had. It also helped clear her mind and she began to remember last night. "Are you ok Janet? Like seriously ok? People don't just cry if they are ok you know," Katrina finally asked, eyeing Janet who was looking at the counter top, a bit dazed.
Janet sighed, "it's just stuff I needed to let out I suppose."
"What 'stuff' ?"
Janet looked up at Katrina, complying whether or not to tell her. She wanted to, the urge to just pour it all out to Katrina was so strong. The look on Katrina's face stabbed a knife, several knifes actually, through Janets heart. Katrinas eyes were big with worry, her hair was messy from just waking up but even though she had just woken up she was still so pretty. She ignored the urges and feelings and turned away. Katrina balled up her fist to keep herself from reaching out to Janet, even if it was to just touch her hand briefly. Janet noticed Katrina's hesitancy, and began to feel a bit awkward, in a struggle to fill the air she asked, "so what was that text last night about?"
"It was a text right? When you ran out unexpectedly?"
Katrina thought for a moment that her running out was what caused Janet to be upset, but she brushed away the thought knowing it was quite foolish to believe Janet cared that much about her. "It was just some personal matter."
Janet almost flinched, feeling a bit upset that Katrina wouldn't share whatever it was with her, she of course then realized she wasn't even sharing what's going on with her. "Roger and I are getting a divorce," Janet spilled out, not really thinking it over. She continued staring at the table top, not daring to look Katrina in the eyes.
Slowly her eyes once again filled with tears, her rethinking about all the fights, the harsh cruel things Roger had said to her, about Riley too. Quickly she put her head down, burying her face in her arms, wishing that she could go back to the beginning, when their marriage was beyond stable, when they were happy together..
Katrina sat there silently, not to sure what to say or do. She felt several emotions, she felt pity for Janet, wanting to comfort her. But when she felt that she couldn't, feelings of rage overcame her, she wanted to snap at Roger for making her feel so down. Katrina took a deep breath, she reached out her hand and placed it on Janets arm, Janet flinched silently, bringing her head up from her arms to glance at Katrina's hand. She then dared a glace at Katrina, but it turned into a stare, because the raw emotion that flooded onto Katrina's face almost broke her. She bit her lip and shook her head holding back more tears. "I- I just," she tried to say, just she broke down into a cry. She didn't want to cry in front of Katrina again, so she tried to gather herself, breathing in deeply. She sat up, Katrina did the same, moving her hand from Janets arm. Janet ignored the fact that she wished Katrina didn't move her hand, it felt so comforting there. "Yeah so," Janet sniffed wiping her tears once again. "I'll be alright, I'm just worried about Riley, I don't know if I can raise her on my own." She paused looking at Katrina, trailing off, not sure how to continue with the sentence. She looked away, "I just mean I'm not as strong as you."
"What?" Katrina said, shocked.
"Yeah, I don't even know how you're able to deal with twin boys and no husband in the picture at all, I just- I don't know anymore," she sighed, "I feel so lost." She buried part of her head into her arms again.
Katrina, got up and walked over to Janet. Janet looked up confused, Katrina wrapped her in a big hug, Janet fell weak.
"Janet, you are the strongest person I know, do not doubt yourself like that. Please." Katrina begged, wishing all pain away from her. Janet's eyes watered up again, she closed them shut, "thank you," she whispered.

Katrina x Janet | kallmekrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora