Chapter Seventeen: Training the Peerage

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(I can't remember if I mentioned this but the Destruction Dragon sacred gear is a black crown with purple gems all around it and it's balance breaker looks like the Hellbat suit but purple instead of red and the bat symbol is a dragon)

It was the next morning and everyone that was going to school was in the kitchen dressed and ready to go all that was left was breakfast wich was provided by Bols and Sussano we then left the two and made our way to school and to class only to see a new teacher and new students
"Alright class settle down, my name is Ms. Esdeath and I'll be your new teacher. So any questions before we start?"
A few students,mainly the girls as I think she scared the boys can't blame them tho, raised there hands
"You there, what's your question?" She says pointing to a girl
"We're are you from, and why did you apply here also were you a model your so pretty" she said as everyone agreed with her
"Well fist I'm from Europe, I applied here because it was close to my home, and thank you but no I wasn't a model" she said as everyone nodded
"Now last question as we have others that need to introduce themselves, you bald one" she said pointing to one of the perverted duo
"Do you have a boyfriend by chance, if not how bout me" he said and I had to fight the urge to fuse his head to the window, but to mine and everyone else's surprise she laughed
"Yes i do have a boyfriend, so no but I wouldn't date you if you were the last male on Earth" at this Me and the class burst out laughing
"Oh yeah who's your boyfriend?!" He asks angrily
"(Y/N)" she says and everyone stops laughing
"Wait what when did this happen?" I ask as I fell glares
"After the incident this morning I talked to Yummi and she and the other are fine with it" she says confusing me till I remember this morning
Ahh the water will feel so good I think to myself as I enter the bathroom only to see the shower already in use, thinking it's one of the girls I smirk and quietly strip and enter the shower and wrap my arms around them and kiss the back of there neck and say
"Good morning beautiful~"
"My someones bold" Esdeath says
At this I look closely at who I'm holding and simply say
"Oh...shit, please don't kill me" I say as I let go only for her to grab my arms and put them back around her
"Oh leaving so soon I was hoping to have some fun before school~" she said I smirk again and say
"If your serious then we have time" I say and all that was heard was screaming, moaning, and swearing
"Oh right... well if the others are ok with it so am I" I say smiling
"Wait, others?!?!" the class all yell
"Yeah Yummi, Rias, Akame, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, and now Esdeath" I say as the class all look at me with their mouths open
"And your dating all of them?!?!" The bald one says
"Only Esdeath I'm engaged to the rest" I say and again they look dumbfounded
"Right, and I'm not the only new face around here, introduce yourselves" Esdeath says
"I'm Lubbock, and I know it's totally unfair how many girls he has!!" He shouts and the perverted trio is reborn... great
"I'm Kurome, and Lubbock you better not piss off (Y/N), remember the promise he made" she says he then looks at me and I give him a crazed smile that made all the boys shake
"R-right I-I r-remember" he starts to sweat
"Wait what promise" the perv with glasses asks
"I told him if I catch him peeping me ripping out his eyes will be the last thing he sees" I say still with my crazed smile in a equally crazed voice and watch as the male students shit bricks
"Alright that's enough, as much as like watching you torment the others we have to start class" Esdeath says we then look forward ready to start
Time skip to end of day and your all home
Man what a freaking day first I become public enemy number one after news of my harem leeks, Then Sona pulls me from class to play chess and after I win she pulls me into a kiss and tells me we're engaged now, not that I mind, and lastly school was boring as hell. But I know just the thing to cheer me up
"Alright everyone, I have an idea" I say as everyone looks at me
"When we first met we fought without getting serious, but I'm curious as to what you can do when you do so those who want to fight follow me" I say as I walk towards the indoor fighting area down stairs
"This room is reinforced with magic so we can cut loose" I say as I see them smirk
"And just for fun, any one that lands a clean hit on me gets one request from me" I say as they all think they can rush me and all win
"With that said..." I say as they look cautious and I smirk
"I'll also be going all out so don't think it'll be easy" I finish and they all get into fighting stances i then decide to show the fruits of my training
"You three know what to do" I say and get a mental nod from my dragons
Welsh/ Destruction/ Evolving Dragon: Fusion Breaker
They call out and all three balance breakers activate and I'm consumed in a mix of silver, green, purple, and black light and once I emerge I'm in a armor that looks like a fusion of all three balance breakers the armor itself looks like Ddrag's but the red is silver and the gold is black, the normally green gems are black and the part under the main armor is still red (still suck at descriptions) and they all look in awe but that doesn't last long as Sheele, Bulat, Esdeath, Kurome, Sussano, Leona, and Wave all rush me with Lubbock, Bols, Najenda, and Karoka staying back to act as artillery support. But I saw this coming so I speed behind the long range fighters and before they turn around I say
"You should expect the long range fighters to be targeted first some of the hand to hand fighters should have stayed back to guard them and only get involved if needed" I finish as I knock the four out and the others all stop in their tracks and turn to attack me again
"No plan, no one taking charge you need more training than I thought" I say disappointed as Sussano and Wave are the first to reach me only to be speed blitzed from the sides sending them into the wall and into unconsciousness, next is Sheele, Esdeath, and Kurome with same story, that just leaves Leona and Bulat they have a bit more team work, must come from there past as assassins, but their still no match for me and receive a chop to the neck and winning me the fight
After everyone is awake and healed I say
"Alright, I'm going to be honest that stunk" they then look down in disappointment
"But that was the point of this exercise to see where you need work, so for my long range fighters you need to strengthen your hand to hand fighting I'll help you with that myself, for my close range fighters you need to work on team work had you had a plan instead of rushing me you might have had a chance so Najenda and I will help in coming up with plans and maneuvers for future fights *she nods* so with that said Najenda, Esdeath, Bols, Wave, Sussano how would you like to learn Dragon slayer magic?"

End of chapter hope you enjoyed

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