Chapter Thirteen: Kokobel and (Y/N)'s True Family

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(A/N for time reasons everything up to the fight with Kokobel is the same like you and the church duo lure out Freed and Valiper and Xenovia and Irina chase after them while you report everything to Rias and that is where we pick up)

"What do you mean they chased after them?!?!?"  Akame yells clearly wanting to kill Valiper
"Don't worry they will find them and call me till then I'll help them search" I say
"Ok be safe" all the girls say over the phone
"I will you girls be ready I may need some back up"
"Right" they say as I end the call I then put my phone back in my pocket and summon my dragon wings and fly after them
Time skip few hours
I can't find Freed or Valiper I think as I fly
"I hope the girls are having better luck" I say to myself only to stop flying and smell the air
"Irina and...blood!!! Shit!!!" I then fly at super sonic speeds to the source
"Irina!!!" I yell as I land near her to see her cut up and sword missing I start to heal her she then stirs and opens her eyes to she me
"(Y-y/N)?" She says weakly
"Yes it's me what happened" I say in a concerned voice
"He got the jump on me" she said quietly about to lose consciousness
"Who?" I say hoping to get a clear answer
"Please be safe (Y/N)" she then passes out
"Dammit" I say pulling out my phone and calling Rias
"Rias I'm sending Irina to you she's hurt beyond my fixing"
"What happened are you ok" she said worried
"No time her she comes" I then end the call and teleport her to the house and call Incursio's key
"Come out I can smell you" I say in a low growling voice
"Hey hey hey it's nice to met you face to face I'm Freed" he said in a psychotic voice
I was about to kill him because he smells like Irina's blood but before I can I have to dodge a light spear I look the the source and see a pale man with 10 wings
"Kokobel I presume?" I say with a angry look
"Yes so I take it that bitch Rayner told you about me"
I then fly to him faster then he was expecting and go to slash him only for him to dodge holding his now stump of a left arm
"YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" He roars out only to start laughing
"Hahaha that's good your strong Silver Dragon" he said with a smile after cauterizing his arm to stop the bleeding
"You know me?"
"Who doesn't you have become pretty famous and I saw your dragon during the last war and have always wanted to fight him" he exclaims
"But not here, at the school"
"Why the school?" I ask confused
"If I attack the school that the devils little sister attends then Sirzech will have to come out and fight!" He says happily
"You fool that will start another war!!" I yell at him
"That's the point me stealing the Holy sword pieces, me attacking the school it all to start another war!!" The smile on his face growing as he speaks
"Why?" I say hoping he's lying
"Because I'm bored this peace is a total snooze fest, so Silver Dragon a great day for a war don't you think" he says as he creates multiple light spears throwing them at me I dodge and go to retaliate only to see him gone
"Dammit!!" I yell then call the girls and tell them what he said and to meet at the school as I'm about to leave for the school I dodge a purple and black orb and hear
"Impressive you dodged that" said a mysterious voice and a purple orb floats beside me
"I am Equinox the black dragon god of destruction it's a pleasure to meet son"
POV Rias
"Where the hell is (Y/N)!!" I yell in frustration
Me and the ORC are almost out of power and the Student counsel can't help they have to hold the barrier
"Good question" said Kokobel said bordley
"I own him for taking my arm" he said holding the stump
It's been almost and hour sense we got here and have managed to kill the Cerberus, Freed and Valiper thanks to Xenovia but we're to weak to fight Kokobel. Just as we lose hope a man in black armor with a purple arua around him comes crashing through the barrier
"Seems I'm late"
That voice it can't be
"(Y/N)?!?!?" We yell
"The one and only" he says back
"But what is" I'm cut off by him saying
"I'll explain later for now I have a crow to kill" he says as Kokobel descends from his throne
"Good the man of the hour arrived" he says in a creepily happy tone
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to fight the one behind God's death!!" He yells surprising all ove us but mostly Xenovia and Asia the latter passing out. I then look to (Y/N) and he doesn't seem surprised
"(Y/N) is it true?" I say hoping it's a lie
"Yes, Incursio killed God and the previous devil kings" he says
That bastard he just dropped the bomb like it was nothing he is so dead
"You'll pay for spilling one of the most guarded secrets" I say in a low growl
"Oh and who will make me you? strong you may be you can't kill me"
I say nothing as I disappear and reappear behind him tearing off 5 sets of wings throwing them to the ground and kick him in the back sending him hurtling to the ground leaving a crater where he lands
"You bastard who the hell are you!" He yells
"I am (Y/N) (L/N), the silver and red dragon emperor" I say summoning Incursio and Ddrag
"I am also the son of Equinox the dragon god of destruction and a human mother" I say proudly
"What?!?!" He yells in disbelief
"Let me prove it" I say and use
Destruction Dragon: annihilation fist
And connect it to his stomach and release a burst of destruction magic (think the destruction power in Dragon Ball) and erase him from existence
"Well that was quite the show" said a man in white dragon armor and I know immediately who it is
"The vanishing dragon" I say in a monotone voice
"Yes, I'm Vali the white dragon emperor and I was hear to take Kokobel back to our boss but you beat me to him so I have no need to be here so good day"
He says and starts to fly away
"Leaving without saying hello white one?" Ddrag says from his gauntlet
"You live red one, you know what this means" a voice from Vali's armor says
"We shall fight another time till then" Ddrag says
"Till then" the other dragon says and Vali leaves
I then turn to then girls and smile
"I imagine you have questions but wait till the others get here" I say and they nod
After a few minutes the Student council and The Devil kings arrive their surprise to see my new armor  and stay quiet till Rias asks
"Brother who is Equinox?"
At this Sirzech pales
"How do you now that name!!" He yells scaring everyone
"Because he is my father" I chime in gaining everyone's attention
"W-w-what?" He asks scared as I'm about to continue my fathers voice rings out from my armor saying
"Good to se you again young devil" hearing this Sirzech Kneels to me and says
"So it is you sensei" everyone is taken back by the strongest devil kneeling
"Brother why are kneeling?" She asks in a surprised tone
"Because not only is he my teacher but the one that gave our family the Power of Destruction" at this everyone's eyes widen
"Jeez didn't tell me that dad" my armor the disappears and takes the form of a tall man that looks like me but older and with black hair and a scar on his right eye
"We only had 2 months to talk in your mind scape so I left the non-important stuff out, but it's still mind boggling that you mastered destruction dragon slayer magic and my balance breaker in that time"
He says impressed
"1/4th evolving dragon comes in handy" I say with a smile
"Wait I thought you were half evolving dragon?" Rias says
"So did I but turns out I was born a half dragon and when Incursio revived me he turned part of my destruction dragon side into evolving dragon" I say
They nod at this my father tells Sirzech to rise he then asks
"How are you here I thought you disappeared 20 years ago?"
"I did, during that time I found and fell in love with (Y/N) mother but had to leave her in the (L/N)'s care a decision i regret" he said with a angry expression I put a hand on his shoulder he looks at me and smiles before continuing
"The reason I had to leave is because Orphs still has a grudge against me and I was scared he'd hurt them so I left to lead him away, and just found my son and I couldn't be prouder of him" he said smiling and me
"Thanks dad and are you sure you want to be my sacred gear, you can still be free" I say
"Yes I don't want to be separated from you so I will inhabit your body and let you use my power should you need it, now then I for one am tired and ready for bed so lets head home, which is where?" He said with a questioning look
"I'll show you, come on girls I'm tired" I say and my mates all move to fallow us
"Wait all this girls are your mates?" He says with the same questioning look
"Yep I'll introduce you"
One introduction later
Little shit has more than me my dad thinks not knowing I can hear his thoughts
"Oh and how many do you have?" I ask with a smug smile
He glares at me then says
"Three, one being your mom"
I laugh and the others are shocked at our familiarity
"Didn't you just meet?, how are you so close"
Rias asks as we teleport home
"Oh that hour I was gone I was with him in my mind scape, and you see time moves differently in there a minute out here is a day in there so we spent like two months together catching up and training" I say and they nod We then took showers to get the battle grime off and went to bed not knowing that a certain dragon God was watching us
"Soon I will have what was taken from me"
they then disappear in to a portal

End of chapter hope you enjoyed

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