Growing up part 3

Start from the beginning

Reiner growled as he spoke.

Reiner:" Want to bet on that."

Reiner and Zeke both cut their hands on with knives before they jumped off the wall and transformed with yellow lightning stuck them as their titans formed around them. As the beast and armored titan landing the ground, they gazed at each other with hatred in their eyes. The two titans charged at each other, Reiner throwing the first punch. Zeke flew back as he crushed the buildings under them. Zeke got up as Reiner attempted to smash his fists down onto Zeke, but Zeke hardened his skin into crystal as he blocked Reiners punch and kicked him back as he got up. Reiner charged in headfirst once again; when Reiner reached Zeke, Zeke dodged, making Reiner fall to the ground as Zeke placed his foot on his back and grabbed his titans writs as he began to pull as hard as he could, making Reiner screamed out in pain. Reiner then kicked Zeke, making him release his grip. Reiner slugged Zeke in the jaw slightly, making him stumble before Zeke grabbed onto Reiner's head before swinging him around and hurling him into the wall. Using titan crystal, Zeke formed claws on his titan, ran over to Reiner, and began to slash his titan over and over again, making blood spew and pieces of his titan's armor get ripped off. Zeke's titan smiled as he punched Riener over and over again, leaving indents in the skin and muscle as Zeke slammed Reiner onto the ground one last time, stomping on his neck. Zeke backed off as he had won; Bertholdt retrieved Reiner from his titan as Zeke emerged from his titan.

* Three-week time skip*

I sat on the ground outside of the Shiganshina District. Zeke was planning something, but I'm sure what it was. Laura walked up to me with a bottle in her hand. Laura and I hadn't talked at all for the time I had been captive. We had the occasional glance at each other, but Pieck was the only person I had any real interactions with during my time here. She kneeled down to my level as she spoke, holding up the bottle.

Laura:" Hey Y/n, do you want some wine?"

I spoke while reaching out.

Y/n:" Sure."

Laura opened the bottle before handing it to me; as I took a long swig of the whine, I gave it back to Laura, offering her some. Laura shook her head, showing that she did not want any before Zeke and Pieck came walking over to us.

Zeke:" Laura get ready; the survey corps are here."

Laura got onto her feet as she stood up. Yellow lightning struck in the distance showing that someone had transformed.

Y/n:" Survey corps. Zeke, what the hell is going on."

Zeke:" Don't worry, nothing you will remember."

Third-person P.O.V~

A tear leaked out of Pieck's eye as she spoke.

Pieck:" I'm sorry, Y/n."

Y/n was about to yell at Pieck, but Zeke yelled out as yellow lightning sparked around the H/c and red-haired boy before he was engulfed in yellow lightning and transformed into a titan along with serval other people. Pieck sadly looked down before she and Zeke transformed into their titan forms. Laura took a knife, slashing her hand before changing into her titan form.

 Laura took a knife, slashing her hand before changing into her titan form

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Attack on titan x male neglected reader x Highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now