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Y/n P.O.V~

*Age 7*

I sat in the dark on my old dirty mattress inside my room, knees to my chest, trying to stay warm as best I could. I clung to my little stuffed fox toy as I cried. The tears spilled out of my eyes as I thought about my life. I was born into a noble family, the Gremory clan, to be exact, but things weren't the best around here. My father and mother were always, quote, "too busy" for me and never had any time to spend with me. My sister didn't talk or look at me; it was always like I was a monster or something, and my older brother would always punch me in the stomach whenever I saw him. I sighed before putting my stuffed fox down and walked to my bedroom door. My hand shook as I opened my bedroom door and exited it. I walked down the halls of my home, passing by the many maids, butlers, and my family's employees. They all whispered stuff about me. I could hear them as I passed by each of them. I don't know if I did something wrong, but it seemed like they all hated me. I sighed as I walked to the dining room and saw my father sitting at the table working on what looked to be paperwork. I walked up to my father and pulled on his pant leg to get his attention. My father sighed as he spoke.

Zeoticus:" What is it, kiddo?"

Y/n:" I was wondering if maybe we could go to the park?"

Zeoticus:" Sure, I'll have one of the maids take you."

Y/n:" But papa, I want to spend some time with you."

My father sighed before once again speaking.

Zeoticus:" Sorry, son, I'm busy."

Y/n:" But you're always busy. It seems like you never have time for me."

Zeoticus:" Well, I don't make time for annoying little brats."

I was about to speak, but my father continued speaking.

Zeoticus:" And you know what. Sometimes I think that you should kill yourself that way; I can get some damn work done! And you should so go off yourself, you little brat, so you can stop fucking bothering me!"

I sighed and left the dining room. Perhaps my father was just angry. I then saw my older sister Rias walk up to my father and speak.

Rias:" Daddy, can we go to the park?"

Zeoticus:" Of course, sweetie, just let me get my coat."

I was sad that my father loved Rias more than me, but then again, I was an accident. I sighed as I didn't want to live here anymore. The rest of my family ignored me, and my other brother would continuously beat me up. I sighed as I went to my room and began to pack up what little belongings I had and put them into a small duffle bag, including my peerage chess board and some candy bars. I took a book of basic devil magic and began to use a teleportation spell. I was going to leave the underworld and finally see the outside world. As I used the spell, I realized that I forgot my fox toy that was still on my mattress. I reached to grab my fox toy but then, with a loud ringing noise and a bright flash of light, the teleportation spell activated, and I teleported away.

*Few hour time skip*

I woke up in a daze, a high-pitched ringing noise echoing in my ears. I sat up to see that I was in the middle of a field of what I think was called wheat. I got up off the ground and grabbed my duffle bag as I began to walk, hoping to find a place to stay for a little bit. I then heard what sounded like giant footsteps that shook that earth. I turned around to see what looked to be a massive person of some kind. I had no idea the humans were so large. I smiled as I spoke.

Y/n:" Um hi I was wondering if there is a place I could stay."

The human then lept at me with its jaws open; I managed to get out of the way quick enough so that it missed me. I got up off the ground and tried to speak with the human once again, but it lunged at me, trying to eat me again. I began to run with the human chasing me. I unsheathed my devil wings in an attempt to fly, but the human lept forward, bitting of my wings with its jaws. I yowled out in pain as the human scooped me up in its hand and opened its mouth up to eat me. I screamed out for help hoping someone would hear my calls.

Attack on titan x male neglected reader x Highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now