Zone 1, Act 2

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"Geez, this place is high." I say as I look down the side of the road, seeing clouds as far as the eye can see. Hill Top Zone was a weird place. Although Hill Top Zone isn't actually in the sky, they call it that because a thin layer of fog lays around the hills. But still, it is least about 1000 feet higher than every surrounding area.

Finally, I have reached the High School. The school was big with bright green and purple accents on the sides. I could easily tell that the school colors are light green and purple. I walk into the left side of the double doors and walk into the office. I walk up to the counter, where a female bat sat at the desk.

"Hello, I'm Sonic The Hedgehog. I was told to come here for my schedule." I say as I blush awkwardly realizing how I was talking. "Oh, so you're Sonic. They told me that you'd be here. Please give me one second." She says as I nod.

I watch as she grabs the phone on the side of the desk and call someone. I try my best to listen to what Soon enough, a small yellow fox comes into the office. He was wearing a blue hoodie with a pair of grey pants with two fluffy tails which was somewhat odd.

"Ah Miles, this is Sonic. I want you to show him around the school, as well as his locker." She told the fox. He simply nodded as he went over to the door.

"Here is your schedule, hope you have a good first day." She says as she handed me my schedule. I grab it as I make my way to the door, opening it for me and the fox.

"So, you're going to show me around?" I ask him. He looks quite young for someone going to a high school, but I decide to not say anything so I don't sound rude. He is considerably shorter than everyone around, with a child-like body. Still, I'll remember to ask him about it someday.

"Yes. I'm Miles, but my friends call me 'Tails.' Your Sonic, right?" he asks me and I nod. He had taken a look at my schedule, and so was probably taking me to find my locker. Soon enough, we stop at one of the endless rows of lockers and hands me a lock. I look at the locker number so I can hopefully remember what it was. It read 1991A, 'A' meaning that it was on the first floor.

"This is your locker. I checked and saw that you share most of your classes with me. Anyways, your first class (History class) is at the end of the hall." Tails told me as he walked away into our first period classroom. I quickly put my stuff away and grabbed what I think I might need in this class.

As I walk to my class, I notice this large figure loom over me. I hesitantly turned around to see a large man. His body somewhat resembles an egg, with long limbs that extent over his looming figure. "Hello, are you Sonic The Hedgehog?" the figure spoke with a somewhat raspy voice. "Yes, Mr..."

"My name is Mr. Robotnik, and I am the principal of this school. I just wanted to tell you to stop by my office after school as I have a few questions." He told me. "Sur thing Mr. R. Well, I'd better get to class." I say as I walk away from the giant, thinking about what he was talking about when he said that he wanted to ask me questions.

I walk into the classroom and look around to find an empty seat. Luckily, there was one next to Tails, which I sat down and opened the history book to the page that it said on the board. "Why did you take so long? You didn't get lost did you?" He asked me. I just laughed lightly at the kit's question. "Oh, the principal wanted to talk to me after school, I didn't get lost." I told him. To my surprise, he raised an eyebrow when I had mentioned Mr. Robotnik.

"What's wrong Tails?" he shakes his head as he opens his book to the same page. "Nothing to worry about. Just try your best not to get onto Robotnik's bad side." he sounded somewhat scared of the person. Maybe I should take into consideration what he had said, but Robotnik seems like a good guy.

"Don't worry, I think I would like to stay on Eggman's good side for now..." I say joking around at Robotnik's appearance.

"Eggman?" he tilts his head as he looks at me. "Oh, sorry... it's just that he looks like an egg... and... you know what, never mind."

Lovers In A Dangerous TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora