Learn you a little something

Start from the beginning

Louis slapped a hand over Francis' mouth, "Not again!"

"Look, kids, nothing lasts forever. You ought to learn now rather than wait 'til there's nothing left."

Zoey nodded, "Okay."

Bill smiled, "I've got a game. You get five minutes to grab as many mushrooms as you can. Whoever has the most, wins."

Francis whooped. Zoey glanced at Louis, laughing. After taking their places, Bill sent them off.

Zoey enjoyed herself. Digging around tree trunks reminded her of when she'd make huge holes in the playground. After five minutes, Bill hollered. Zoey arrived first and laughed with Bill when they saw Louis, his shirt and pants bearing fresh grass stains.

Louis laughed along, setting his bounty down, "That was fun!"

Francis came behind them, vest removed, full of mushrooms, "I won."

Bill gestured for them to sit, "Alright, now we sort. Throw out any lone white ones or green ones, those are gonna be stainer's and death caps."

Francis raised a large orange stack, "Bill..." he asked, "is this the blessing I think it is?"

"Yes, that's a chicken." Francis brought it to his mouth, Bill stole it, "You can't eat it raw. We need to clean these anyhow."

Louis perked up, "I saw red berries! Green and purple bushes. You think they're safe?"


"Dumb question-" Francis started.

Louis pat his arm, "Aw, Francis, there are no dumb questions."

He shrugged, "Okay. Anyways, do pumpkins grow on trees?"

"That is the dumbest question I've ever heard," Bill said, "no."

"Well then what the hell were those pumpkin looking things?"

"Persimmons, they're nice."

Francis puffed his chest out, "Hell yeah, I found the pumpkin tree and the chicken."

Bill stood, wiping himself off, "Alright, good job. You three make me proud-" he glanced at Francis, "- mostly. Louis, show us the berries. Zoey, get the mushrooms."

They picked a load of berries and persimmons before returning to the trail. Soon, they found a ranger's station and took a pan and oil.

Bill looked around, "Now all we need is fire."

"We could use that conveniently burning barrel," Louis said.

The others followed his point, and, lo and behold, a conveniently burning barrel.

Bill pat his shoulder, "Who wants to help cook?"

"DIBS!" Zoey and Francis said together.

He set the berries down, "Louis, look around, I'll deal with them."

For the next hour Bill showed them how to cook what they foraged. How to make it taste good, soften the mushrooms, everything. It was wonderful.

Louis belched as they finished, excusing himself. Francis, with a smirk, let out his own monstrous burp. Bill nodded sagely, leaned to the side, and ripped one. Francis shot water from his nose and Louis tried to stifle giggles.

"You-" a burp cut Zoey off and she laughed.


The survivors trashed their plates and continued down the trail, Louis holding Zoey's hand. After a while, the four came across the entrance.

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