Chapter 1

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Ariana point of view
I bit my lip, staring at the huge elegant clock. It was now 8:30 and Justin was supposed to be here at 8:00. I felt like everybody was staring at me so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my instagram page to see a lot of lovely comments. I smiled at that and replied to some of them. I played a couple of games and looked up to see an hour had gone by and still no Justin. I should have known he wouldn't come. He does this shit every week. I grabbed my purse and walked out the building. A tear slid down my face. I don't even know why I'm with him. I don't get to see him much and when I do he's always on his phone. Of course the press was out. "Did Justin set you up again!?" One of the groggy old men yelled. I ignored them and opened my car door and got in slowly so I wouldn't ruin my dress. I quickly drove away.

I opened the door to our apartment or I should say my apartment since he's never here. I threw my purse on the table and closed the door behind me. I heard the tv on so I knew he was home. I walked into the living room and Justin looked up at me. I tried not to show him I was hurt. "Oh shit! I forgot Ariana." He went to grab my arm but I pulled away "don't!" I walked past him to the bedroom. He followed me, but I quickly made it into the bedroom and shut the door in his face. "Ariana, babe, I'm sorry. I had a lot on my mind and I forgot about our date." I rolled my eyes as I took off my heels. I sniffed and took my earring off. "Please let me in babe." "You're sleeping on the couch!" I yelled. I stared in the mirror in disgust. I looked a total mess. My mascara ran down my face and my eyes were red. I could hear a door slam which meant Justin had left to who knows where.

I let the water run down my bare skin. My tears mixed in with the hot water. To be honest, I should have never gone back to Justin. We were happy the first two years, but now everything is going back to the way it was and it sucks. I decided I was in the shower too long so I turned it off and hopped out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I walked out the bathroom to my bedroom. I shiver as my feet met the cold wood floors. I quickly grabbed my black Victoria secret panties and bra. I slid them on quickly and stared at my body in the full mirror. I stared at my past scars which you could barely see now. I pulled my long brunette hair into a messy bun. I grabbed a pair of Justin long socks and slid them on.

"Victoria Secret model Ariana Bieber was set up again by her husband Justin Bieber." I rolled my eyes and quickly walked to the living room, turning the TV off. Why can't the media just mind their own business. It would do everybody a favor. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the box of cocoa puffs (my favorite). I grabbed the milk out the fridge and grabbed a bowl out the cabinet. If I could eat anything forever, it would be coco puffs. I pour the cereal and the milk in the bowl. As I put the milk in the fridge, I grabbed a spoon. I grabbed my bowl and walked back into the bedroom. I decided I was going to watch tv.

I took a spoon full of coco puff and shoved it in my mouth. A baby commercial came on it made me awe. I just love babies and Justin and I was planning on having one two years ago... But unfortunately I can't have kids. I ate the last bit of cereal and sat it on my small bed table. I lean back and snuggle into my covers. " A mystery woman has just come out with a new beautiful dress." I stared at the tv. They were showing off a beautiful red dress. I would die to wear. They began talking about something else." I turned off the TV and closed my eyes. I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

The bed sunk down and I felt an arm wrap around me. I didn't even have to turn around to know it was just in. I could smell his cologne. I shifted a little to get comfortable. I stared over at the clock to see it was three in the morning. Where was he at all that time. I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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