Life Can Be So Mean

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"Well I think that went well!" Reggie skipped alongside Alex, Luke, and Flynn as we headed back to the studio, still hyped after finally getting to officially meet my dad. Alex just tossed him one of his patented withering stares, and kept walking.

Luke stared at the ground, limply holding my hand in the moonlight.

"You okay?" I smiled at him, feeling my mouth curve upward, even though my whole body still shook from that interaction with my dad.

He stopped walking long enough for the rest of the group to head back to the studio without us for a minute. "Julie, why did you say we had band practice? I was trying to tell him, you know."

His eyes shone in mottled shades of sadness, compounded by a good dose of confusion clouding their surface. I didn't have a solid answer for him. I wasn't even totally sure why I did that. But it totally made sense that my quick escape could be hurtful to him.

"Luke, I didn't mean to upset you. Not at all." I grabbed his hand, tugging him closer while I led us behind one of the tall bushes planted along the pathway to the studio. "See, the thing is, with my dad. I um, haven't dated before."

He tilted his head, unblinking. I momentarily forgot he knew that already. "Yeah, and?" He crossed his beautiful, strong arms, flexing the biceps. That made my stomach flutter like crazy, but I had to stay focused.

"It's been barely a day since we first, well..."

"Kissed?" A shy smile pulled at his mouth, as he cheeks flushed a dappled shade of pink in the light from the nearest streetlamp. "Sorry, I just think it's cute how much it meant to you."

I smacked him lightly on the arm. "Don't let it go to your head. Now, we better get back to the studio before Flynn starts making up stories about us."

He gave me a quick hug, and led me to the door. But just before he opened it, he turned to look at me. "It'll be fine, right? I mean, I get it that maybe you wanted to handle it with your dad yourself. But I shouldn't worry, right?" He rubbed my back, reminding me how badly I wished I could promise things would be okay - but I knew all too well that I couldn't.

"I'll talk to him, and do my best."

A quick kiss planted on my forehead warmed my entire body in an instant. "That's all I ask."

"You lovebirds gonna get in here, or just make out in the bushes all night?" Flynn's staccato voice reverberated through the room, making us both blush.

"Nah, that's probably what they're planning on tomorrow though, am I right, guys?" Reggie worked at us both, awkwardly blinking both of his eyes in a way that only he could make seem cool.

"Guys, chill. I'm sure Luke and Julie have a lot of emotions to handle, and they probably want us to stop bugging them about it." He smiled at me politely. "See, us more sensitive types gotta stick together."

"Thanks, Alex. Anyways, it's getting late, guys. We don't actually have to practice any more tonight. I only said that to buy myself some time."

"I don't blame you one bit, girl - things are about to get pretty heated, huh..."

Leave it to Flynn to make everything way more awkward than it really had to be. Luckily though, Luke didn't seem to be affected by it.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night." Flynn gave me a hug before turning to the guys after we all sat around talking for a while. None of us could make any real sense of what happened with the guys, or why they could suddenly take up physical space and be seen by people besides just me. I for one, was quite happy about it though - for obvious reasons. Actually that would be the understatement of the century.

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