Tied Together With A Smile

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   Rosie wiped her cheeks as she looked out, that warm, humid Louisiana air coming through the window and the moonlight illuminating her face in the night. The crickets were chirping outside and ultimately built a homey yet lonely feel as the princess just sat there, sobbing mostly silently as she wished more than anything that her mother could be there with her.

Of course, it wasn't as if she were completely alone. She was the only one up, and perhaps that added even more to her intense feelings of isolation. In fact, Carter was lying over in the bed nearby and had only stopped the noisy, persistent racket that was her snoring a few moments ago when she had rolled over in her sleep.

But it still didn't make her feel much better. After all, no one is good company when that person is asleep.

Rosie felt another sob shudder through her, and she covered her mouth, shutting her eyes tightly as she tried to keep the feelings at bay.

It was yet another night of mourning her departure from Costa Luna. But most importantly, her departure from her mother. It hurt Rosie so deeply to know that her mother was so far away from her, let alone in the hands of a power-hungry maniac.

Moreover, this Louisiana was not exactly home, despite the fact that she was coming to love it more than any place she had ever been. Some part of her still longed for the beauty of her homeland and the smell of the salty sea breeze drifting through the air to lap at her face gently.

Rosie swallowed hard, trying to get ahold of herself. After all, she was a princess, and even when trying to pretend that she was not, she had to maintain the composure befitting of any strong lady.

She wiped her cheeks, unable to keep her thoughts from wandering over to the girl lying in bed nearby. Carter Mason was the only person that had kept her anchored throughout all of this. Sure, she had her persnicketies and sometimes she could be very crabby and difficult, but she was truly caring, so hilarious, and understanding of Rosie's feelings when she wanted to be.

And the thought that she had never really had anyone like that in her life really hit her hard.

"Rosie--- Rosie, are you crying?" a voice questioned, the slightest hints of a nasally tone to it that added that comforting depth that Rosie was so accustomed to from her best and only friend.

Rosie sniffed hard, wiping her eyes as she tried to hide the fact that she had indeed been crying.

"No, no, I am fine. Do go back to sleep, Carter," Rosie assured her, attempting to conjure some semblance of her usual grace and elegance. However, the slight quake in her voice completely ruined the effect.

She felt the cushion she was sitting on dip with the weight of the other girl in the room, and Rosie swallowed as she tried to keep herself held together.

Of course Carter would push the issue. Carter was nothing if not persistent, and it was something that Rosie had learned quite well about the girl in the relatively short time that she had known her. Rosie really liked being friends with Carter and wanted Carter to like her, but she was not sure if she was ready for Carter to see her cry.

It wasn't that Rosie didn't trust Carter to see her weak. It was just that she simply didn't want Carter to see her look weak. She had never actually cried in front of Carter, and she had never wanted to begin that practice either.

Carter was always so brave and strong, and she had a quality of toughness and infallibility to her that Rosie admired deeply. As a result of this, Rosie was worried that Carter would think less of her if she saw Rosie crying. And even if Carter didn't think less of her, Rosie didn't want Carter to feel uncomfortable.

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