"Thank you baby but you'd end up arresting the lot of them" they both laugh together "he's gonna do so amazing out there but I'll miss him loads. I won't be gone long ok?" She finally let's go of him, watching him dress for work.

"Ok babe" he smile at her as puts on his shirt "you'll be gone when I get back?" Nick smiles and nods "have a good trip" he kisses her head "I love you and I'll see you soon" they kiss once more

"I love you too" Nick says softly as he exits the room. "Don't get shot" she shouts back at him.

"I'll try not baby" he yells back.

Laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. She knows she should be packing for her trip but all she can think about how she is being careless with a delicate man. How Jay would literally do anything for her, he literally got them a house and converted one of the bedrooms into her studio, a house with a garden for Maggie. He has done all of this and Nick can think of is the life she ran away from, the man she ran away from. For some reason she always thought that her friends lives would stay the same, that he life in LA would never change. But of course life doesn't work like that, Peep is only doing what Nick did, he moving away to better himself. To get away from the negativity and the toxicity that lives in LA.

How can she blame him for that? He is her best friend, the only other person who understands her energy. All Nick can think of how he must of felt when she left him, how he must of thought he'd done something wrong when she left. Her whole life is changing around her, it's time for her to grow up and do something with her life. More than just coast along on good luck and charm.

Hank Voight is calling
Accept | Decline

"Hey, yeah yeah I need to pack" Nick rubs her forehead, still laying on their bed.

"Nicoletta" Hank says.

Nick stops what she is doing and sits up in bed. He only ever calls her Nicoletta when something serious has happened.

"What?" She asks.

"Jays been shot" Hanks says. In a second her heart breaks, her hand instinctively covers her mouth in shock. "He's at Med"

Neither of them say another word, hanging up the phone Nick grabs her keys and bag running as fast she can out of the house. The only thing on her mind is praying to god that he is ok, and that he holds on long enough for Nick to get to the hospital. The more she rushes to get to Med the worst the traffic becomes. Eventually Nick pulls up to the hospital, pulling into a parking space as well as she can, given the mind frame she is currently in.

Running through the hospital, Nick navigates to the emergency room where she assumes he is being held. Adam catches her before Nick goes running into a door.

"Where is he?" She looks at Adam full of rage and tears.

"Second door" he says calmly.

Nick sets off for the emergency room again. Seeing Will staring intently at a patient room, indicates to Nick that he's in there.

"Will" Nick runs up to him, hugging him.

"Nick" he hugs her back "thank god you're here. He is refusing surgery until you show up" Will points to the room.

Tears stream down her face in the fear that Jay endangered his own life, just to see her. Running into the room, Nick freezes seeing him wrapped in bandages but blood still seeping through, the white being tarnished by the red.

"You're a fucking idiot" Nick tries to lighten the mood with bad humour. She rushes to his side, kissing his hand before taking a seat next to the bed. Holding his hand tight.

"Yeah but I'm your idiot" he laughs, high as a kite and smiling through the pain.

"You're an idiot who's going to surgery" Nick smiles through the tears "what happened to not getting shot?" Nick stands, pushing the hair out of his face. Kissing his forehead before caressing his cheek.

"I was safe but she.... wasn't..... there.." he struggles to speak before slipping away. The lights behind start flashing, machines start beeping.

"PLEASE HELP, SOMEONE HELP, SOMEONE PLEASE" Nick screams as doctors come rushing in.

In distress Will grabs her by the shoulders pulling her out of the room. He holds her as they watch the doctors wheel Jay off to surgery. Nick sobs but suddenly her pain turns to anger at the sight of Hailey walking into the emergency room. Nick knew exactly what he meant by she wasn't there. Hailey was his partner on the job, they were supposed protect each other and she hadn't done that job.

"YOU" she screams at Hailey. "YOU" she screams again as she turns to look at Nick, Will holds her back knowing what may come next "Its your fault!" She yells "you were supposed to protect him. But you weren't there" Nick breaks free of Will's grip, squaring up to Hailey. "You're the reason he got shot" she speaks at a normal volume. The sudden change to normal behaviour is worrying for everyone around. It's like she is so angry that she is calm again.

"Nick" Hank steps in "not here" he breaks the two up.

"I want her no where near here" Nick point at Hailey "Hank I mean it" she looks at him in the eyes as he guides her back into the room.

"Ok ok" Hank turns to face the rest of his team "get her out of here now"

Nick watches as Kevin guides Hailey out of the ER. Eventually the anger surpasses her and turns back to pain. Breaking down into her godfather.

"Oh my god. He got shot Hank" she cries into his shoulder

Unsuspecting Love // Tom FeltonWhere stories live. Discover now