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Days passed, and Zehra couldn't feel happier. Her family was complete. There was only one thing that worried her, however. Goktug went back to the mongols as a spy. Zehra had had enough experience with Balgay to know that he wasn't dumb. Sooner or later, Goktug was going to be found out. What was going to happen then?

The next morning Zehra got up, fresh and ready. She looked over at Konur, who was still asleep, peacefully. He was so happy now that he had his younger brother back. He loved Goktug so much that it seemed like there was no room left for Zehra in there. Zehra laughed and rid herself from that thought. She went outside, feeling in the mood to wrestle. Her and Boran never completed their fight that day. And sure enough, Boran was already awake. But he was too busy doing something else.

Gonca Hatun sat in front of her and Bala's tent, soon to be her own. Bala and Osman just had a small engagement at Edebali and his dervishes' camp. Zehra couldn't go, as she and Konur were tasked with a mission. That task was complete. Gonca was chopping some steak. Boran was looking into the pond at his reflection, and fixing his hair. He then turned and looked at Gonca, a blush creeping up from his cheeks. He turned about to walk off the bridge, but then stopped for another look at himself. Zehra came up to him, her hand on her sword.

"Ah, Boran. I see you have found yourself a nice, güzel, Hatun."

"Shut up Zehra. I was NOT doing anything!!" He shoves her, and she punches back.

"I see now, Zehra, should we finish our fight?!?!"

The punches and shoves are were postponed until the training. Zehra got ready to go when Gonca Hatun called out to her. "Can you help Bala prepare for the wedding? Osman wanted to finish it quickly. It seems like he can't wait to be with Bala!"

Hours passed, and the wedding was tons of fun. But there was a little surprise at the end. It turned out the Zohre Hatun poisoned the food and Hazal Hatun knew. Instead of telling everyone else, Hazal killed her at the dinner. Aygul went even more ballistic, and Zehra had to coax her into a chain. As bad as Zehra felt for Aygul, she couldn't help being happy Zohre was gone.


The next morning Goktug rode into the training field with bruises. He didn't seem like his normal self but everyone was too worried to notice. He said that Balgay found out about him and he gave the location of Balgay. Everyone rushed to get ready, Konur finally being able to take revenge for his brother. Zehra jumped onto her horse and started to ride out of the tribe. "Dur, Zehra. I want to come with you guys!" It was Goktug. She said no and turned back on Asli, but Goktug grabbed the reins. He firmly said he was going, and jumped on a stray horse while trotting out of the tribe, not glancing at his sister. Zehra shook her head. What was wrong with this man.

As soon as they got to the location, Osman Bey told them their ambush plan. As they walked in on Balgay, Zehra looked worriedly at Goktug. He was starting to get along with Boran, but he didn't even show a happy smile of victory on his face. He just looked far into the horizon.

Meanwhile, Balgay just laughed. Then out of nowhere a bunch of mongol soldiers came out of the trees. It was a trap.

Suddenly Konur saw something from out of the corner of his eye. Goktug took his sword out from behind Osman and was about to stab him. Konur went in a blocked it with a angry, "Goktuuugg..." Goktugjust smirked at him and smiled, putting force against Konur's sword. Suddenly as fast as light, he threw back his sword and-

The sword squished as it stabbed into the flesh of someone. Konur yelled out, "ZEHRAAA!!" But all Zehra could think about was the pain of the betrayal of her brother. She was injured while protecting her abi from her kardeş.

She fell to the ground and the world around her went black.

Literally, I try to write the chapter but I can't. Then I send an announcement that I won't be updating. And right after that my brain gets my fingers to type. Wth. My brain HAS to do the opposite of what I say. Anyways hope you liked the chapter.

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