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Konur paces in the secret cave, afraid of what his Bey would say. Osman Bey is really merciful, but these mongolar are what nobody has seen before. Balgay is one of Osman's greatest enemies, and capturing Balgay's 'son' was a great victory. However, that victory was short, because of Konur and his emotions.

Zehra watches Konur panic out of the corner of her eye. She is sitting on a goatskin pillow to the side of the cave. Konur is an Alp. She is afraid that that position will be taken from him. Konur was doing something to benefit the tribe. He was trying to convert Balgay's second in command. Zehra sighs.

Osman Bey enters the cave. Konur stops and gives his Bey a salam. But Osman knows something is up. "Konur...why aren't you with Kongar??" When Konur bows his head in shame and doesn't answer, Osman asks again. "KONUR!!!! KONGAR NERDE?!?!??" Zehra jumps in, not wanting her brother to suffer because of that traitor. The traitor that long ago was their brother. Goktug, who was forced to disobey his religion and faith, and when the time came that he was given a choice, he still disobeyed.

"Osman Bey. It wasn't Konur's fault!"

Zehra interrupts the yelling being done by Osman. "What do you mean, Zehra?" Osman lowers the hand that was about to strike Konur, and listens to his Baçı.

"I just met with Konur at the campsite. He looked exhausted, and I wanted to lower his burden. I sent Konur to rest, while I watched over that soysuz. He escaped during my watch."

Zehra hangs her head low and waits for Osman's anger to lash out in her. Lying is bad, but not when trying to protect someone, right? Instead, disappointment clouded Osman's anger.

"Zehra, ne yaptın sen? You know already that it is an honor and privilege that you are here as an Alp with us. Most other Hatunlar stay at the tribe, supporting their husbands. As an Alp, you have your own decisions and freedom. You took this gift as an advantage!" His voice starts to rise, and anger takes over. "THIS WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT MISSION I GAVE YOU AND YOUR BROTHER! LOOK AT THE SHAME ON KONUR'S FACE. YOU DISHONORED HIM!! OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE THE STATUS OF AN ALP!!!"

Zehra Hatun looks over at Osman frightened. How would she live not protecting her tribe and her brother. "Osman Bey. Yapma. Lütfen kardeş, yapma. I can't stand not being an Alp. You know that. This tribe took me and my brother in when we were lost. I can't sit here without doing anything." Konur looks over at her, ready to say the truth. But Zehra looks over with a glare. He stands back worriedly, not wanting his sister's dream to crash. But he knows his Bey, and boy, does Osman Bey give the WORST punishments.

"Eyyy. Tamam. You want to work for the tribe. Pay your debt back. Huh," Zehra looks over at Osman with excitement. Her eyes grow wide and a smile stretches across her face. But Osman is serious. "You will do work in the kilimhane. Everyday, you will work with Bala and the other Hatuns. You will weave and cook. Your work will be beautiful."

Zehra's smile turns around. Her face turns to disgust, then worry. "Please, Osman," she grabs ahold of his arm. But he looks away, not wanting to see the sadness in his baçı's eyes. He knew what he was doing was right, even though he hated it.


Poor Zehra. She is gonna have to do the thing she mosts hates. Plus, her brother just betrayed her. At least she has Bala. Also a surprise guest is coming back to the Kayi tribe next chapter. Everyone knows her dead, but not in this fanfic 😃

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