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Zehra stood near the post, looking as a guard, as Selcan Ana paced the room. There wasn't any word from Osman Bey, whom she thought of as her own son, and she was starting to get worried. Aygul, who loved her aunt but stuck with her evil mother, was there too.

"Selcan yenge, I'm sure Osman is just busy with some mission. Aybars' death really set him off this time." Zehra's serious fierce expression saddened, as she was raised by Bamsi Bey, and she thought of Aybars as a brother. Selcan looked over at Aygul and scowled, "Osman isn't just doing these things because he is stubborn, he is doing it becau-," the thumping of drums interrupted Selcan Hatun. The hatunlar looked at the door of the marquee, "Hayırdır InshaAllah." Zehra said.

Balgay was on a cart, pushing it was Osman's Alps. Kongar and Cerkutay looked at each other with a smirk each time an Alp was hit, as if the pain of a Turk caused them joy. The doors of the çadır opens, and out came Selcan Hatun, who gasps at the sight in front of her. Following her is Zehra and Aygul Hatun. Zehra sees Konur walking while being whipped, his eye all puffed up and swollen.

"KONURRRR!!! ABI'M!" Zehra shouts, running towards her brother and all of the other alps. She sees a tied up Boran, Samsa Cavus, and Abdurrahman Ghazi. Those mongols. Tying up a Ghazi and riding him like he is a horse. All the alps are like brothers to her, but Abdurrahman is like a father. She hurts to see him like this.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY KADIN, BEFORE THIS CART TRAMPLES YOU OVER!" Balgay says, laughing at his so called evilness. "Git Zehra, go." Konur says, and she has to listen.

She walks back to her çadır, kicking stones that crossed her path. Allah Kahretsin, Zehra thinks. She hates the feeling of being hopeless, as if she can't do anything. If Osman Bey had ordered, she would've gladly sliced the heads off those mongols.

She sees Gonca coming out of the tent. "Gonca, how is your wound?" Gonca was wounded when Kongar came to raid the Port Bazaar. "I'm good, Eyvallah." Zehra explains the situation to the wounded hatun. She gasps when she hears Boran is chained up. Zehra raises her eyebrow.


Kongar and Cerkutay take the alps to the caged tent. Kongar paces around the room, taking a detailed glance of each alp, one by one. Konur looks at Kongar as he talks to Samsa. His hair was dirty blonde, similar to Konur's and Zehra's. His eyes were pale blue unlike the dark slanted eyes of a Mongolian. His build was tall and muscular whereas most mongols were short.

"Mankurttt." Kongar comes towards Konur, looking him directly in the eye. "What did you call me, Osman's kopek?" Konur looks directly back into his pale blue eyes. He smiles, unafraid. "ANSWER ME TURK," Kongar's hatred for Turks was beyond evil. "I SAID, WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?!" Konur Alp spits and smirks. "Mankurt!"

Kongar orders the mongol askerler to untie Konur. He starts beating Konur up and watches as the pain creeps onto the Alp's face. Konur defends, but it is too late, as he is on the ground. Kongar leans on top of him, as to choke him. Konur defends his body and tries to bring his hands to Kongar's neck. Instead, he pushes the commander's shoulder armor back.

A crescent. Komutan Kongar, a son to the famous Balgay, has the same crescent birth mark as Konur and Zehra. The only other person-Goktu-it can't be. Kongar was Konur and Zehra's long lost kardeş.

Konur laughs from happiness and joy. The commander sees the pain that was in Konur's icy blue eyes, is replaced with happiness. His longing for his brother was over. Goktug geldi.

Hi! Sorry for late update, but because these chapters are longer than my other story, and I have two stories, I will be updating every 3-5 days. Anyway this chapter was sorta boring. I'm srry. It will get more interesting. I promise 💗

An Incomplete Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें