"Mind your own business. You should sleep. It's late," 

"Why is it covered with blood?!"  

"Shhh. You'll wake everyone up...You don't want to bother them, right?" 

Eleftelya was becoming horrified. Sienna was talking like a psychopath. She suddenly felt the urge to run. "Turn around," 

Sienna's face was slightly bruised and blood trickled down her face, most of it not hers. She didn't want Eleftelya to see her in this condition, so she started leaving the room.  

"Turn around!"  

Sienna shut her eyes in fury. These days, she was getting furious very quickly. She stayed still. 

"I said tur-" 

Sienna grabbed the dagger from under her bed and pointed it at Eleftelya before she could scream. "Shut...up,"  

Eleftelya gasped and eyed the dagger, then Sienna. "What happened to you? What did you do?"  

Sienna smirked evilly and whispered, "Pray what I did doesn't happen to you," 

Eleftelya slowly backed away from Sienna, who was getting dangerously closer. "Don't do it. I will tell my father," 

"'I will tell my father,'" Sienna mocked. "It's better if you don't," 

Eleftelya quickly nodded as the dagger was now on her throat. "Okay, okay. I won't tell. Please, don't do it. Sienna..." 

Sienna smirked. "That's a good girl," she said in a falsely praising way. After putting away the dagger, Eleftelya ran to her bed and pulled the covers over herself. She rubbed her hand over the small cut that opened from Sienna's dagger and felt a liquid that contained a metallic smell.  

After staying quiet for the rest of the nights Sienna sneaked in, Eleftelya could not take it anymore. Once Eleftelya made sure Sienna was not around, she ran to her father and told him everything. Her father did not believe her. He did not believe the girl he considered a second daughter would do such things, so Eleftelya made him see it for himself. Together, they planned her imprisonment. They did not mean harm; they were doing it for Sienna's well-being. 

After Sienna was captured, Eleftelya began to grow furious at the people of Inegol Castle, where she was living with her father and Sienna. Even if she had witnessed the events, the others did not. Sienna and Eleftelya were always playing around the people and helping them out. But during the time of her trial, not one spoke up. Not one objected to the court's decision. Not the people, not the soldiers, not even a teenage boy, who Sienna started to spend a lot of time with after the night Eleftelya confronted her. She started to feel bad for her friend. Lena was clueless throughout as she spent more time with the doctors, learning about different medicines and helping to treat several patients. During the time of the court, it was obvious she only showed up for one of Ertugrul Bey's sons. Lena did not even speak up. That is when Eleftelya realized she would never understand the pain Sienna was going through. Above all, she would never forget her eyes. 

"Do you have anything to say, little girl?"   

Sienna grabbed fistfuls of her clothes and was sweating. Not because of embarrassment or nervousness, but because of hatred. She had been betrayed. Because of believing the man she loved, she was here. Because of believing the girl she considered a second sister, she was here. Because of relying on her only family after her father, she was here. 

"Is there anything you would like to say to prove your innocence?" the judge repeated. 

Sienna looked away from the ground and surveyed the people she trusted one by one. The soldiers. The cook. Eleftelya. Nikola. Lena. Only Eleftelya was looking at her. Sienna held back the tears that threatened to spill and tried forcing a glare. But anger was the last thing she felt. She looked around at everyone in the room once more and uttered, "Burn in Hell," 

The judge sighed and nodded at the soldiers to take her away. He could not understand how a hardly twelve-year-old girl could show this much hate.  

Sienna's gaze at Eleftelya haunted her at night. It was not even anger. It was hurt. Sienna's eyes kept Eleftelya up at night. It reminded her that Sienna's suffering and imprisonment was her fault. 

Soon after Sienna's imprisonment, Ertugrul Bey met with the cook and asked him to be his spy. The cook agreed, and when his daughter was old enough, told her about the mission. Eleftelya still believed Sienna was wrong for murdering innocent Turks and wiping them out because of one man, so she agreed to help.  


Sienna returned to the castle to inform Nikola about the missing ammunition. She walked into his room, defeated. "Nikola," she called, climbing up the steps.  

Nikola pointed to the Caesar statue, "Caesar is waiting for your greetings, Sienna," 

Sienna watched Nikola blankly. Is he really going to make me greet pottery? She decided not to ruin his mood before telling him about the defeat. She quickly raised her hand to the statue, "Güçü Caesar." Then, she continued staring at Nikola, not knowing how to inform him. 

Nikola noticed her anger and defeat. "Aziz Dostum, did the flying flame land in my castle?" 

"Turks..." Sienna spat, "...took the ammunition and left. Nikola froze. He slowly walked down a few steps until he was face to face with Sienna, who maintained a straight face. After understand, he sarcastically smiled, "Ertugrul."  

Sienna clenched her jaw at the name and continued staring at Nikola, waiting for what he would do next. "A strong and powerful enemy...makes us stronger." Sienna flinched as Nikola praised Ertugrul. "Where did they take it?" 

Sienna sighed. "Sogut," 

"Then the sun must rise in Sogut when it's dark," Nikola said between gritted teeth, clenching his fist. 

Sienna turned to Nikola, understanding what he meant. An evil smirk crept up her face. "The lights of heaven will surround that place," 

"What about the plague for which I prepared for a long time?" 

"It will kill them. It will kill them all,"  


Finally. Sorry for taking so long again...school <:[  What do you think about Sienna's relation to Eleftelya and the cook? This was mostly a flashback chapter, so tell me what you think about her past! ..Physco Sienna... Vote/comment!

Sienna - Kurulus OsmanWhere stories live. Discover now