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Present day…

It was the day of the decade dance and of course Elena was in danger...AGAIN. I was laying down on my bed while Caroline was trying to figure out which outfit to wear.

“Hey Catherine, are you going to help us look out for Klaus tonight?” Caroline asked, bringing up a dress to her chest and looking in the mirror.

“Why? So I can protect whiny Elena, who miraculously needs saving again?” I replied, sitting up, “I think I’ll pass.”

Caroline shot a glare my way saying, “Catherine, come on. I get that you don’t like her but come on she’s my friend and you’re mine. So help a friend of a friend out?”

I groaned, “I swear she always needs saving ever since Damon and Stefan came into her life. Before she was somewhat okay, but now it’s just UGH!”

She swiftly turned around to face me, “Catherine Lockwood! Quit being mean, Elena has earned her right to be the way she is. Her parents died and she has to deal with all of this. So try being sensitive for once.”

I gave her a ‘really’ look, “Care, I love you but there’s no chance in hell I’m helping Elena.”

She scoffed and resumed with the clothes, “Fine whatever. Just be careful and have fun.”

“I will,” I replied as I got off of my bed and headed for the bathroom so I could change into my outfit. 

We eventually hear the doorbell ring and Caroline gets the door. 

“Hey Matt, how do I look?” Caroline asks her boyfriend.

“You look great, so how about we get to the dance?” He replies, a bit nervously.

I furrow my brows in confusion but I think nothing of it. I yell a goodbye to my mom and all of us get into the car to go to the dance.


About ten minutes later we arrive back at school and I head in by myself. 

“Catherine!” I hear. 

I turn around to see Bonnie looking a bit anxious.

“Hey Bon, what’s up?” I ask.

“Do you think you could help me with defeating Klaus?” she asked.

I sigh, “Give me a good reason why I should help you.”

“I have to harness 100 witches’ powers and when I do, I’ll die,” Bonnie explained.

My eyes widened, “Fine I’ll help, but I’m gonna have a bit of fun before I have to follow Elena around like a bodyguard.”

Bonnie smiled, “Thank you.”

“No problem, just let me know when you need help,” I replied.

She ran off to catch up with Elena and I walked in the building.

The music was blaring when I walked in, but something felt off. I looked at the crowd, but I saw no one suspicious. 

Of course he wouldn’t show his actual face when everyone is looking for him. I gotta be extra careful then. 

I disappear into the crowd and start dancing.


Klaus’s POV

I can’t wait to get out of this body, but of course I need to stay in it a little bit longer. Looking through the crowd I struggle to see the Bennett witch.

Forever DiariesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon