placed in the wrong room

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*inside beach house*

(Hh) Ta-da! The crabs are all boiled!

(K) I'm sorry, Senpai, that there aren't any maids here now

(Ho) We're the ones that barged in on your villa, Kyo-chan, Takashi, go call Haru-chan in

(K) It's awfully gloomy out there, huh?

(Hh)  It looks like it might rain

(K) If you're going to mope like that then you shouldn't have picked a fight with her

(Kh) Haruhi, did you buy that dress yourself?

(H) My dad must have repacked my bags for me, He always wants me to wear stuff like

(Ho) Haru-chan, you look cute, Let's eat Haru-chan! I'm sure the crabs we caught today are delicious

(T) You're not going to reconsider what you've done, Fine, then. I'm going to bed. Kyoya, show me to my room *walks away*

(K) All right. Well, if you'll excuse me, too *walks with tamiki*

(H) *feeling sick*

(Hh) What's the matter?

(H) I don't feel so good

(M) You ate too much crab

(Ho) Haru-chan, be strong!

(Hh) Come on, over to the washroom!

(Kh) The washroom! *places haruhi in kyoya's bathroom*

(H) *washes mouth* what a wasteful thing I've done. I was in such a rush, I just plunged into the nearest room. Where am I?

(K) All done?

(H) I'm sorry for intruding into the room of a stranger

(K) How rude. It's me. Kyoya-senpai?

(H) Oh, I'm sorry, I seem to have gotten everyone worried about me

(K) I wasn't particularly worried,  It was hard to stop Hikaru and Kaoru from trying to beat those punks half-to-death, though, also, there was the trouble I went to sending bouquets to the girls by way of apology, after looking forward to coming along on this trip

(H) I'll pay for those flowers myself

(K) The bouquets cost 50,000 per person, so it comes to 600,000 *turns down lights*

(H) Why did you turn the lights off?

(K) If you want to, you could pay for those flowers with your body

(K) If you want to, you could pay for those flowers with your body, you should rethink your own gullibility, that things have nothing to do with a person being a boy or a gir, you've made a mistake in leaving yourself so open

(H) Kyoya-senpai, you won't do it. I mean, there isn't anything to be gained by getting into it with me, right?

(K) true but you should learn any man can claim who they love easily except for me

(T) *knocks on door* Kyoya? Do you have any lotion? This sunburn is worse than I though, kyoya? Kyoya are you in there? *tries opening* hm doors locked he must have fallen asleep

(Ho) Tama-chan

(T) yes honey?

(Ho) *hands tamiki lotion* here you go

(T) thank you *walks to bedroom*

(H) *gets up* I'm going to go back to my room

(K) I'm sorry about what I did

(H) it's fine

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