Where going to re-bound?

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"We have so much in common" andyeah he was actually right. Here we are, siting at the bar in Fish Monny's place that the Penguin now ownes, geting wasted like theres no tomorow.

 Here we are, siting at the bar in Fish Monny's place that the Penguin now ownes, geting wasted like theres no tomorow

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This is what you wear at the club:

Jerome then interupted by saying "um y/n, i just have to use the restroom." "Sure." Jerome then left me with my whisky in my hand. "Hey hotie,...u here with anyone or are you here all alone." A guy that looked about 8 years older then me, then started tuching my shoulder and i got really uncomfteble.

"Hey babe." I looked up to see another guy talking with me, but he seemed to be around my age. "Oh who is this, sorry if i steal her but we really have to go." I then got the hint and played along. "No-one, lets go" he took my hand and lead me a bit away from the guy to a corner.

"Hey are you okay" "yeah, just a little shaken- thank you btw" "No broblem." We started a convensation but didnt get long until we kissed. It then got rougher and he started grabbing my ass but stoped and said "I really have to go to pick up my sister but i hope i'll see you soon" he gave me a peace of papper and gave me a last kiss before he disapered.

"Who was that?" Jerome came up to me with a dark voice. "Just someone" i told him in a dreamy way. "Was he your boyfriend" "What- no, but he did give me his number." I then told him what happened and he seemed more conserned about finding the other guy and "teach him a lesson" (whatever that means) but i stoped him and told him that i was tired and that we should go home an rest.

But little did i know that, that was my last night with Jerome...

It was a normal Friday witch meant that i got to join Jim down at the GCPD because thats when i didnt have work.

I oppened my closet and put on someting casual and comfteble for today.

This is what you wear:

I would go by Grinddy's to take a capochinos, one ice-tea and some bakerie's to Jim, Harvey and even if they didnt like him so much i gave Ed ice-tea because he was my friend

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I would go by Grinddy's to take a capochinos, one ice-tea and some bakerie's to Jim, Harvey and even if they didnt like him so much i gave
Ed ice-tea because he was my friend.

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