Chapter 1 Being human

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Sasori's POV


I yanked my hand back, seeing blood run from the small cut in my finger. Pain was throbbing through my whole hand. I hissed and reached for a napkin.

Ever since I had become human, it was hell. Hidan had screwed something up and made me a fleshy bag of pain and emotions. Yesterday I had been laughing uncontrollably for a good half hour, not to mention I couldn't control my body's... Temptations just yet. That made me the new laughing stock of the Akatsuki.

The only person who was helping me out was Deidara, and he had gone on a mission. He didn't tell me where it was or when he'd be back, he just told me to br patient. I didn't know what patient was yet!

I grumbled under my breath and got to my feet. I hardly left our shared room at all in the past few days, and now I had to since I was bleeding. I walked out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet over the sink and found a band aid. As I put it on my finger, I heard footsteps and turned to see Hidan standing there. He looked smug.

"Your blonde is back." He said casually.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his words. Deidara called it blushing.

"Thanks Hidan..." I said in my monotone voice.

I pushed past him and walked downstairs to meet Deidara. He looked the same, only there was a strange look in his eyes. He was talking to Pein, but as I approached he turned and smiled at me.

"Hey Dana! How's being human coming along?" He asked.

He had kindness in his blue eyes and a warm smile, though there was something off. I was confused, but I wouldn't show it.

"Um... It's going good... I guess..."

My voice was showing actual emotion, which I hated. Deidara smiled at me then looked at Pein.

"We'll talk later ok."

Pein nodded and walked off. Deidara turned to me and smiled.

"Come on let's go upstairs." He suggested.

He walked past me upstairs. As he walked, I noticed a redish-purple mark was on his neck. That was really suspicious but I didn't ask. If Deidara wanted to tell me he would.

When we got to the room, Deidara removed the cloak and flopped on his bed. He purred and buried his face into the pillow.

"Ah my bed!! I missed my bed!" He said happily.

I smiled and sat down on my own bed. He seemed to be happy, but I didn't know much about emotions to really know.

"I'm... Glad you're back Deidara." I said calmly.

Deidara looked over at me and smiled.

"It's hard to speak in a monotone voice isn't it un?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Deidara was crazy.

"Oh shut it brat." I retorted, yawning.

Deidara smiled then looked at the clock.

"It is pretty late... You can sleep, I won't be tired for awhile yet." He said.

I lied down and sighed.

"Having feelings like tiredness is stupid..." I complained, closing my eyes.

I heard Deidara chuckle and heard him shift.

"Sleep well un." He said calmly.

I yawned and felt myself fall asleep.

Deidara's POV

I waited until Sasori fell asleep before I went downstairs to talk to Konan. She'd know what to do. I approached the blue haired girl and she went into another room and motioned me to follow. When we were in there, she looked at me.

"Was there any blood afterwards?" She asked.

I shrugged and felt myself begin shaking uncontrollably.

"I don't know! It happened so fast I barley had time to know what was coming out of me!" I whispered.

Konan sighed and touched my shoulder. I could see sympathy in her eyes.

"Well all I can say is it's gonna cause a lot of nightmares... Tell Sasori ok, he might understand."

I shook my head.

"No way. How on earth would Sasori know what it's like to be raped?!"

Konan shrugged, though I knew she knew more than she was showing.

"It was just a suggestion Deidara." She replied calmly.

I sighed and looked away. I was already exhausted and I was in pain from what happened.

"I'm going to bed... I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I walked back upstairs into the room I shared with Sasori. The ginger was still sleeping soundly. I lied down in my bed and sighed sadly.

Ok time to try and sleep... This is gonna be hard... I thought sadly, closing my eyes.

End of Chapter 1

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