Ch29 - Confession

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When Yu Hao heard that voice, he knew that Zhou Sheng had finally admitted it.

"General?" Yu Hao's voice was trembling.

Zhou Sheng enunciated every word clearly, "Yu Hao, I really want to give you a good beating today."

The moment he said this, Yu Hao recognized that familiar tone, it really is him! At this moment, all of his strength completely drained from him with a whoosh like a receding tide. He got up and knelt on the bed, then nervously moved a little closer to Zhou Sheng and Zhou Sheng smiled helplessly. He turned his head, pressed one hand on Yu Hao's forehead and forcefully pushed him down.

"Good night." Zhou Sheng said in an unquestionably overbearing tone, "Yu Hao! Forget everything that had happened in your dreams!"

Yu Hao, "Wait......"

Zhou Sheng's hold was so strong that Yu Hao couldn't struggle against it at all; with this one push from Zhou Sheng, he had fallen onto the bed.

Tfa cbatlcu tjqqfcfv.

Te Ljb, "......"

Itbe Vtfcu, "......"

Itbe Vtfcu wbnfv tlr tjcv jkjs jcv ibbxfv lcab Te Ljb'r fsfr, atfc wegwegfv, "Qtja atf tfii?!"

Te Ljb, "!!!"

Zhou Sheng, "Good night, Yu Hao. Forget everything ba."

Pwwfvljafis joafgkjgvr, Itbe Vtfcu erfv tlr tjcv atja tjv atf gfv ygjmfifa alfv bcab la ab qgfrr vbkc jujlc. Te Ljb ujnf eq jii oealif gfrlrajcmf, yea lc atf cfza wbwfca, Te Ljb ralii vlvc'a offi atf rilutafra yla vgbkrs.

"Damn it!" Zhou Sheng reacted instantly, "I shouldn't have taken your fucking totem! I must've seriously taken the wrong medicine that day!"

Yu Hao grabbed Zhou Sheng's hand and looked at him breathlessly. This time, it was Zhou Sheng's turn to have a strange expression on his face. Yu Hao held his hand. Zhou Sheng's fingers unconsciously curled up and Yu Hao buried his head onto the back of his hand. The room fell silent, and the two remained in this position as if they were sculptures.

After a long time passed, Zhou Sheng's voice finally broke through the silence.

"Don't cry." Zhou Sheng said calmly, "I really can't stand seeing people cry. This'll be the only time, and if you cry again in front of me, I'll seriously hit you next time."

For a period of time, Yu Hao couldn't tell if he was excited, happy, or sad.

Zhou Sheng said, "Fine, I'll tell you. No one will believe you if you told them anyway, they'll just think you're crazy."

Yu Hao calmed down and released Zhou Sheng's hand, "Don't say it. Don't say anything, General."

In the darkness, he couldn't see Zhou Sheng's expression clearly. He pressed his hand onto his palm, "I just wanted to find you, and say 'thank you' to you. You could call it stubbornness or my reluctance to give up. That song...was for you."

"I heard it, and I know you sang it for me." Zhou Sheng said, "I already felt like it was a bit dangerous that night, but I didn't want......I didn't want you to be haunted by this dream for the rest of your life. It was my fault, I said things that I shouldn't have in the world of the consciousness."

Yu Hao said, "Then I'll just treat it as a dream ba. When I wake up tomorrow, I'll no longer be so attached to this matter, and you can just pretend as if nothing had ever happened. No matter what I ask you, you just......"

Zhou Sheng suddenly gripped Yu Hao's hand tightly and rubbed it with his fingers, then intertwined their fingers together.

"It doesn't matter. Actually, this is our fate." Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "It really doesn't matter, I don't blame you. Perhaps from the moment I saw you at the back of our college, everything you asked me today might have already been predestined."

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