7: ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ʜᴏᴜʀᴢ.

550 20 25

a/n; im currently writin this story on my laptop and im 2 lazy to uppercase the letters so lowercase is intended lol

Notices ⚠️:
Vulgar language
Mention of kidnap ( I will be reminding you once you get to the point)

y/n's pov:

'bringggggggg'  the school bell rung, notifying schools over. i ran to the locker bay to meet up with the trio again. "i made it!.." i panted feeling drowsy, my arms drooping as if i was a ragdoll. "someone's tired," norman teased. i punched his arm slightly, causing him to snicker more.

we changed our shoes and headed towards the gate. "cya tomorrow!" emma shouted, parting away from us along with norman, leaving me and ray alone. it was kinda akward, the fact being ray doesn't talk much.

"so um, anything major happen today?" i asked tearing the silence between us. "not really, but my 7th period teacher let us outside to walk or some stuff," he replied, not sparing me a look. "lucky, we had to do work. we didn't even do anything considered fun, like cmon it's the first day," i whined. "this isn't elementary anymore, you know that right?" I furrowed my brows, "yeah yeah, i know im not a dumb dumb." "keep that double word stuff up, it's pretty funny despite the fact you have no humor," ray chuckled, arms rest behind his head. "i will feed you dog shit," trying to make myself sound scary with a serious tone. "you cant cook either though."

'i swear i'll beat this man up one day.'

(Timeskip 2 y/n's home {I also switched to my phone so I won't be typing in lowercase lol})

Authors POV:

Y/n was humming to the music her phone had been playing, bopping her head to the some of the beats once and a while. Turning the corner to arrive at her home, she realized how nice the weather was. Sunny, a nice amount off breeze and just right temperature!

She reached the door step and attempted to grab her keys attached to her lanyard. It was a bit of a struggle, since y/n was paying no attention or sparing a look down to the keys. At last, Y/n got a grip.

Sliding the key into the knob, and turning. Y/n took a whiff of the home's scent. She would sometimes get nervous if she smelt bad due to her homes scent, maybe she was used to her scent and didn't realize she smelt bad. But, when asked many people disagreed with her assumptions. Which were true.

Knocking her first shoe of and then sliding the other off with her non-shoe-wearing foot. Not even bothering to change out of the schools uniform, the (h/c)nette ran up the stairs and plopped onto her bed. Home alone again, her mom must've worked overtime again.

(⚠️ Mention of kidnap HERE, if this is a triggering/sensitive topic please skip to next mention! author cares for you!! ⚠️)

She took this chance of free time to message her friends to remind them she's safe, and home. The reason being this reminder is mandatory is because apparently Emma lost her way home and almost got kidnapped. Keep in mind she moved into a new home. Yeah, her family's pretty rich to be honest, moving once they have the chance or need, possibly even they want to.

To sum it up, they do this for the groups safety. Cuz they all care for each other.

(⚠️You can look now :))⚠️)

Y/n's POV:

I groaned at the fact that I eventually would have to do my homework. Give me a break! It's only the first day. I set a timer when to do it, 7:00. Giving me about 4 hours to do whatever I want!

'I wonder if I'll ever meet that Violet girl again, she's pretty nice and I can see us as friends,' I thought. "Now, time to play some bandori! My event rank probably went up by a lot," I whined around the last few words. (also pls play bang dream/bandori it's hella fun ☹️)

"MY FULL COMBO WAAAAAAA" I frowned, those stupid "good" notes always resetting my combo. I immediately stopped the live and went on to farm some stars by reading stories. Of course, who wouldn't want to Gacha and pull 3* out of a 10 pull, and I mean exactly one. Sadly, I ended up getting a 3* in a 10 pull. Boy aren't I lucky!

My timer eventually went off, yelling at me to do my homework. I sighed and strolled over to my desk. I pre-read the page for math first. 'Stupid pre algebra.'

I was smart, but I didn't use my full potential. I got good grades, but I didn't try. Pretty much this is what anybody could ask for, perhaps the gods have blessed me with this no so much intelligence! Sadly, after middle school my grades will eventually matter. So for now, I don't have to use my full potential! I can be as dumb as I want! As long as I don't act too dumb to the point where they make me do elementary level school stuff.

(Yes, middle school grades actually don't matter 🤤)

After about an hour and a half I finished. I do struggle with deadlines so this is a bit of an achievement. My stomach growled at me to feed it, ''hmmm, I'm lowkey craving an omelette.'

I turned on the stove and got a pan, then sprayed it with cooking spray stuff. I played my Spotify playlist on shuffle, the first song being 'This Side Of Paradise,' by Coyote Theory.

(the author of this mayhem lowkey has no taste in music.)

"So if you're lonely, no need to show meee! If you're lonely, come be lonely with me!" I synced. These lyrics reminded me of Ray, causing heat to rush up to my face and paint my face pink, and somewhat red.

Word count: 968

A/N: Longer chapter 4 u guys because you deserve it, and ty 4 4K reads! I wouldn't expect so many xoxo 😵💕

Ruth out! 🤤

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