But that's when it happened. It was the night before Evan's birthday and I heard sobbing coming from his room.
'Why's he awake' I find myself thinking, it's 11:30 he should be sleeping'
Because at the end of the day I love my siblings I needed to see if he's alright. I walk into Evan's room to find him holding a flashlight?
But I called out to him he had a petrified look on his face...
I took a deep breath and walked over to him engulfing him into a big hug, that are meant to make your younger siblings feel safe.
"I'm sorry Evan... I've been a terrible older sister for you. Me and Michael will explain everything to you tomorrow evening..."
This was true, me and Michael had promised to explain why we torment him and the reasoning behind it.
I cradle his body in my arms for what felt like hours and rock him to sleep. Before he begins to softly snore I whisper to him
"please go to sleep crybaby, you need to be excited for tomorrow. Don't worry, big sis is here to help"

After sitting with Evan in my arms for about 3 hours, morning was to be arriving soon. Reading the clock at being 3am I gently place his body under the covers and let him cuddle his stuffed toy. I leave his side lamp on, so he's not completely in the dark and I begin to walk away into my room to sleep for myself.
As I wake up checking the time to be 8am exactly, I stretched and walked over to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing my morning routine.
I had quickly grabbed my LolBit mask and placed it on the side of my head and headed over to Michael's room to discuss todays plan.
I walked into his room and he was dressed laying on his bed engulfed in his thoughts, we began to discuss the plan for today's prank on Evan.
After discussing we were going to ensure when we got to the restaurant that everything was safe. And we eventually came to the conclusion that todays is the last time we tease or scare him. The group already knew this as we had already discussed this though.
From tomorrow onwards we are going to be nice and more mature and better siblings to him overall. And we would come clean for our reasoning and hope that he sees our point of view of these things.

TIMESKIP 2 hours later

At Freddy's:
After getting to the restaurant we had discussed what mine and smirks plane were and we were going to quickly head backstage. We looked around swiftly and snook into the backstage area that the two main animatronics reside, grabbing a stepladder we ensure that everything is tightly screwed in and safe. Even uncle Henry had agreed to help, and he checked it off as safe. 
The group and I were doing this prank soon and little did I know this day would haunt me or the rest of my life.
Next thing I know me and Michael are holding onto Evans body as it shakes and a bad feeling builds into my gut...
"Come on crybaby you wanna give Fredbear a big kisss" Michael and I say together slightly taunting him
But I was kind of happy knowing this was the last time.
Michael is right next to me with a grin on his face and I can hear the group cheering for us right behind us, as we do this. I will admit feeling his shaking body and hearing his cries of fear and distress as a good elder sister, I wanted to finish this now but I ignore this feeling as I was finally happy that we can talk to him over about our past and hope for forgiveness. Which he will most likely give, as he has always been a kind kid.

That's when he started begging and sounding more desperate by calling out for his older siblings. But this was the moment I knew we would regret this moment forever. I go to nudge Mike to finally stop the prank when I hear a sentence leave his mouth.
"Please N/N Please Mikey I'm scare-"
With a bang and a slight crunch I hear the spring locks get set off and I widen my eyes as it looks to damage his brain.

My body watches in slow motion as blood begins to poor from Evan's head and his mouth and tears fall faster than ever before. An overwhelming and painful feeling begins to pour onto my face by seeing the action of my brothers body become limb In front of my falling onto the ground. This feeling was so overwhelmingly caused by the scene in front of me which will be frightening and shocking for anyone causing a terrifying and revolting feeling inside of them.
I run up to Evan alongside of my brother quickly cradling him in our arms just like last night. The next moments flashed by in my mind quickly and the next thing I know I hear an ambulance sirens and he was being snatched from my grip and away. I beg and scream for him to stay with me and he slowly opens his eyes one last time as I run alongside him, he looks directly at me and smiles softly.
"It's okay n/n. I forgive your actions... I love you and Mikey."
And with that his body relaxes as they take him away and I get pushes out the way as he is sped off to the hospital... next thing I know my body falls down into darkness.

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