"Okay, so. Good news and bad news." He said.

"What's the good news?" I asked.

"Well, everything inside you is okay so what ever just happened doesn't have an affect on your body, not right now anyway." Donnie replied.

"What do you mean not right now?" I asked again,
Donnie sat down and looked back at the papers.
"Well, the bed news is I don't know what's causing it. So for all we know the only reason it didn't hurt you is because you didn't use what ever that was for long."

"Oh...Newell thats good it didn't hurt me." I laughed.
"Yea it is, but is there anything that's been happening?" Donnie asked, "something out the ordinary? Maybe you've been getting head aches?"

I thought for a moment then I remembered. The voice.  I said my name before I fell.   Come to think of it, its been saying things. But... I don't want to sound crazy. Like 'oh! Just this creepy voice inside my head that's been saying my name for weeks. Nothing much!'
I wasn't going to sound crazy. What ever it was I would deal with on my own.

"Nope. Not that I know of." I lied.
"Hm, okay. Mabye i can look into your samples more. I'll update you if anything else happens.  I would drink some tea and head to bed. It's already pretty late." Donnie advised.

"Okay," I started, wait... "Donnie I don't have a room."
"Oh." Donnie paused, "you can sleep on the couch tonight, not to sound weird or anything. We'll get your room figured out tomorrow." Donnie smiled.

"Okay, I'll get some sleep. Where's the tea by the way?" I asked.

"Oh, there's some chamomile tea in the cabinet above the stove." Donnie answered.

"K." I started to walk out, "and thank you D."

"Anytime Y/N!"
"Oh... and. Don't give up on Apirl. Trust me." I winked,

"What?!" Donnie gasped.

I walked into the empty kitchen. I looked around. Mikey wasn't in the TV area. He probably went to bed, probably.
I walked over to the counter and reached up for the tea, I filled up the tea pot and put it on heat. I grabbed a brown-green mug and waited.  I sat up on the counter, I remembered when I first came here.
How scared and traumatized I was. And how everything was okay the moment I looked at Leos gorgeous blue bell eyes.
When I ran out of here frightened and Leo caught me. When I would beat Mikey in almost every video game as he would complain. When me and Mikey would tick Raph off, and when I would tease Apirl and Donnie about each other.  But my favorite memory,
I was in my apartment studying for some big test and I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up to New York City sounds I found myself on my bed, I had a blanket pulled over me with a note in neat handwriting saying. "Don't stress yourself out too much with tests, your always welcome to meditate with me if you need to. -Leonardo"

I remember being so happy, just knowing he came by and checked on me. Knowing he cared about me. Even if I wasn't Karai, even if he would never think of me more than friends. It made me happy knowing he cared Mabye as much as I cared for him..
I didn't realize how zoned out I was till my eyes focused and I saw Leo walking into the kitchen. His gaze was at the floor and he looked tired.

"Oh, hey Leo is everything alright?"  I asked.
I looked up surprised and quickly whipped his eyes and plastered a smile on his face.
"Yep! Just came to get water." He announced heading to the sink.

I got off the counter that I was sitting on. His back was facing towards me as he filled up a cup. His posture was off and his breathing was weird, it was shaky though he tried to stop it. He wasn't okay.

I grabbed his arm and forced him to meet me face to face, to look me in the eye and I could tell his eyes didn't have that shine they always do.
"Leo...what's wrong." I softened my grip as I saw tears build up. It broke my heart.
"Do you wanna talk about it somewhere else?" I asked and he nodded. 

I turned off the heat on the stove as I lead him to his room and sat down on his bed, him not too far behind.
He sat down and looked at the ground, he was fighting tears and I could tell.

He sniffed and wiped away his tears, he took a long breath and held himself. He was being so vulnerable, he doesn't usually. It's kinda nice in a way seeing Leo in his rawest form.

I looked down, "it's about Karai?" I asked.
He nodded.
I sighed, "I know you think it is but it wasn't your fult."
Leo finally looked at me, "you don't know that. You weren't there. The way she looked at me. She was depending on me to save her. I know she's still out there, and I can't do anything." Leo admitted as he started to cry.
He was still holding something back.

"That's not it. Is it.?" I asked.
Leos eyes widened before softening into closed and he breathed in and out, "no... it's not..."
"Tell me then."
"Now that I know shredders looking for you... we've seen it. He will do anything to get what he wants. So if he wants you. Hell do anything to get you and-" Leos voice started to crack and shutter. "What if something happens? What if he gets you and I can't do anything?! Everyone will be counting on me and I know I can't take him! I'll loose you! I've already lost so damn much! So what happens if I screw it up and your fucking gone!?!" Leo yelled as the tears he tried so hard to hold back flowed out of his eyes.

Leos POV:

I didn't notice I was yelling, I guess it just... happened.  I needed to get it all out and I'm glad it was y/n.
I finally looked over to her once I opened my eyes. She had let go of my arm and her arms were close to her, her eyes were sad and she was crying.

I gasped and wiped my eyes, "y/n I'm sorry I didn't-"
Y/n cut me off by hugging me.
I was caught off guard and my arms staying by my sides. I looked down at her h/c hair. "Y/n..? Are you.."
"I'm not going anywhere.I promise."
I widened my eyes in shock and lowered them into a shut as I  held her back.
I rested my head on her shoulder and she rested hers on mine.


"Thank you."

She held onto me tighter like I would let go, I held on just as tight to show her I wouldn't.
We stayed like that for a long time. Just embracing each other as all the emotions I build up spilled out.
Im so glad Y/n is here. She's so... perfect.
I smiled.
She was always there, she has such a big heart and always knows just what to say to everyone.
I wonder what I did to deserve a friend like her.

Why didn't that feel right?

My thoughts were interpreted when I felt her grip loosen but she didn't separate from my body.
"Y/n?" I asked.
No answer.

Did she..?
I lifted her head a little to see her closed eyes and a sleeping face.

I smiled even bigger.
Awe.. cute,
I laid her head back onto my chest where it was.
"Maybe.. we can stay like this.. it's kinda nice."
I held onto her tighter, melting into her body's warmth, her breathings warmth, her warmth.
I slowly laid down carful to not wake her up and closed my eyes.
I didn't care about anything else in that moment. Not even Karai.

Just her

Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt