The Start of Something New

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It had reached a point where Nova was getting desperate for something, ANYTHING different to happen. He spent a little while trying to come up with something to do but everything he thought of was most likely against the rules and would probably get him yet another detention. So he continued the day as normal until he came up with something he actually could do.

What if he went through the portal on his own?

That probably wasn't against the rules, it was only RECOMMENDED that they have at least one member of staff with them when using the portal. Right?

Nova dwelled on this idea for a while, thinking of all possibilities that could come from doing this. What if he ended up somewhere dangerous? Well he was a demon who was strong enough to effortlesssly punch through solid bricks if he wanted to so he'd be okay. Nova continued making up scenarios in his head about all kinds of things that could happen and nothing he could think of seemed like something he wouldn't be able to avoid. So then it was settled. Tomorrow Nova would go through the portal alone.

Nova went to bed early that day so he could try to get to the Academy sooner than anyone else so no one would catch him going through the portal alone. Once the next morning came and Nova broke another alarm clock he got ready for the day and hurried to the Academy, only a few minutes before everyone else arrived. Except Darla who was already at her desk somehow. Everyone just assumed she slept there anyway.

Nova spent a while standing outside the portal, he was always told that sometimes he should think before he does things so he took one more moment to decide on whether or not he should do it, but once he heard the people gathering and that go-kart engine he realised it was now or never and he wasn't going to go through the exact same thing again. So he took a deep breath and ran into the portal.

Nova had forgotten how disorienting it could be to use the portal after not doing so for a while, so his vision was blury for a while but when he came to he found himself laying on... snow? He pulled himself to his feet and looked around at his surroundings, Yep, definitely snow. And a lot of it.

Nova then realised something, something that actually made him a little nervous: The portal had moved, that was something it did but he was stranded in a snowey mountain area. But hey, Ryan, Tina, Unicorn and Goldy always managed to find their way back so chances are he will too. Nova started making his way higher up the mountain he was on the side of to check for any civilisation or something at all noteworthy, thankfully he was very close to the top so it didn't take long for him to reach it, once he got to the top however, he immediately regretted going through the portal.

Because there, on the other side of the mountain was a place he knew all too well: the headquarters of the Russian Federal Bureau of Investigation. Also known as the RFBI.

Nova really started to panic now which wasn't something he did often. But for god sake he was stranded alone barely even a mile away from the place he'd rather die than go back to. He hurried back down the mountain and looked for anything that the portal could have moved to, but there ws nothing.

Nova felt helpless until he heard the familiar sound of someone coming out of the portal nearby, very nearby. He prayed it was someone who could help, it being Unicorn Mann was the best case scenario. But when he saw who it was, he didn't know what to think.

"Woah... okay this DEFINITELY is not the game lobby..." said Ryan as he got up off the snow, "Unicorn Mann!? Goldy!? Tina?" He called out but of couse none of them replied. Nova wasn't sure what t do here, sure Ryan was very powerful with his speed and dark magic but... it's Ryan. Then again Ryan had helped him in the past, including with the RFBI so maybe they could figure something out.

"Ryan..?" Nova muttered loudly, still shaken over being near the RFBI again. "Nova? What are you doing here!? Actually to be fair, WHAT AM I DOING HERE!? AND WHAT IS HERE!? WHERE ARE WE!?" Ryan replied. "Well..." Nova began after patiently waiting for Ryan to stop yelling, "I'm here because I got bored of doing the same thing everyday and we're... in Russia." Nova waited patiently once again for the cogs in Ryan's brain to turn enough times for him to understand what he just said, "Oh... well I guess I can understand that, but am I right to guess you didn't want to come here?" Ryan said back after taking in what the other had said.

"Yeah, we're... we're really close to the RFBI HQ..." Nova said back. Ryan sighed "You don't know how to use the portal properly do you. You're supposed to think about where you want to go, if you don't then it'll just send you to a place that is most relevent to your life!" Nova was a little taken aback by Ryan explaining how it worked, sure it was simple but he'd never heard Ryan actually sound like he knew what he was talking about, at least it was better than the scolding he'd get from Unicorn Mann.

"So why are you here?" Nova asked, unsure if Ryan would know why but he already knew more than Nova expected him to, Ryan thought for a moment before realising: "Yesterday me and Tina went through the portal on our own... the amount of people set to the same location is a setting on the portal, so after that it was probably still set to two people when we went through. So basically since it was made to send people somewhere two at a time and I ran through before the others it counted me as the second person and you as the first. So we're here now and the others are probably where I wanted to go."

Nova was shocked about how much Ryan knew about this, but then again Tina did say he was the only one who knew how it worked back at the daycare. Something about a backroom for the portal. "So now we're stuck here until the other finish their game because the portal exit moved to where they are." Ryan finished. "STUCK HERE!? DID YOU SAY WE'RE STUCK HERE!?" Nova shouted, "Yep!" Ryan replied. Nova started breathing heavily before punching the rocky side of the mountain top that hid them from the RFBI. So he was stuck for god knows how long, very close to the RFBI, and stuck with RYAN of all people.

But at least it's something different.

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