1 | Fitted Dresses

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"Why do you wear loose clothes?" They ask with a strict frown Their eyes roaming all over my attire With a masked disgust of its own "Because they're comfortable?" What I prefer to wear as I had grown

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"Why do you wear loose clothes?"
They ask with a strict frown
Their eyes roaming all over my attire
With a masked disgust of its own
"Because they're comfortable?"
What I prefer to wear as I had grown.

"Fitted dresses will make you look better
Why wear this loose bag?"
"Just wear a bra all the time
Or yours breasts would one day sag"
"You could look so endearing but
You choose to stay like a old hag."


Did you ladies ever stop to wonder
Where from this tradition came?
Fitted dresses that suffocate you
They were ways to keep you tame
Yes, the figure hugging clothes you like
Corsets of the past were all the same.

For years they were made to believe
Women's clothes were differently assessed
And that they need to show off
All the assets that they possessed
To be suitable enough to be liked
The need to feel good was never stressed.


"Long dresses or one piece?" they ask
"Men's section," I ignore the frilly hem
They roll their eyes and move away
Leaving me to rummage through the same
T shirts that don't constrict your chest
Jeans that have real pockets on them

I had always wondered if
It's my body type that made me like these
I asked the thin ladies one day
"In which do you feel ease?"
They blushed and replied "Men's clothes"
But the others will tease.


So they end up wearing dresses that
Fit their body like a anaconda's grip
And wear high heels everyday
Enough to make you trip
And stay caged in a bra everytime that
Mark their skin like bite of a whip.

Because the society will always choose
What you'll wear everyday
Because you're just a toy they want
To play dress up with in any way 
If a fitted dress makes you uncomfortable
"No" is what you learn to say.


Author's Note : For all those women who feel comfortable in a fitted dress, you're welcome to wear them. I'm not here to judge anyone for your dress choices. (It's medically proven that tight dresses cause circulation problems and increase chances of venous constriction). But just remember if you're not comfortable wearing something you're expected to wear, just say no. The society shouldn't be able to pressurise you or dictate you on what you should wear or you shouldn't!

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