"Its raining, dummy."

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Yes this is a short story. Not that anyone asked though


Rainy days are always spent indoors. Reading, watching TV, spending time with family you name it.....but there are some people who are forced to spend rainy days outside. One example of such unfortunate souls was Son Goku. He'd been sitting in the rain for quite a while just waiting for someone to come pick him up. He had no idea how long he was there but he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here? I've never seen you in these parts of town." A boy a bit shorter than Goku said. He sat next to him on the bench with his umbrella and looked over to Goku, who seemed to not have seen him. "So you won't answer my question? Alright then. Aren't you cold in this rain? Where are your parents?"

He kept ignoring the shorter male and stared at the rain, which did not seem to be settling any time soon. It was obvious he wanted to go to his new home as soon as possible even though he had no idea who would pick him up. The shorter male, Vegeta, just sat next to him and scanned his silent companion. His hair bounced into a more messy state,even after what seemed like countless hours of combing.

He wore a simple orange and blue shirt accompanied by black jeans. "I like your hair. It looks like a carrot top. Y'know, I'm actually here with my dad. I don't really like him, neither does my brother though," he laughed small and continued,"but we get along...because of mom. I'm Vegeta by the way. I know you won't talk to me but at least give me sign of what your name is or else I might start calling you carrot top."

Still no answer from the taller. Vegeta finally had enough and pushed the umbrella into his arms. "Well its apparent that you don't want to talk so I'm going to find my dad! You can keep the-" "umbrella?" That was the first time he had heard him say something. But why would he settle for that as his first word to him? And why would he actually be making eye contact with him?

"Hey, you do know how to talk! Cool. So my dad hasn't come back from the store, wanna hang?" Goku nodded enthusiastically and brought the umbrella to his feet. Vegeta did most of the talking since it was obvious Goku had not been in the most cheery moods since he was given away. Vegeta asked him questions and Goku either nodded or shook his head to indicate the answer.

"Do you think we'll see each other again, Umbrella-boy?" "Hopefully we will Carrot-top. My dad is over there right now so talk to you soon. And you should probably keep the umbrella." He hugged Goku and got of the bench, running through the rain to his father. "Wait why am I keeping the umbrella?" "Because its raining, dummy." He turned and winked at Goku who smiled in return, getting back to being all alone in the rain.

Now the rain seemed a lot more.....peaceful. It brought a new sense of happiness to his life, especially since it helped him to make a friend. As he was sitting with his thoughts, a red car passed by and he saw Vegeta waving to him from the inside. He waved back and went back to waiting for the faithful person who would take him in.

He sat for a few minutes, just examining the umbrella in his hands. It was blue with a white sword pattern. Cute. Seems like him to. He thought to himself. His hair and what he was wearing were completely soaked in water but, he couldn't have been happier. He made a friend today.

"Hey kid, is your name Son Goku by any chance?" He didn't notice an old man wearing sunglasses, holding an umbrella and sitting on a turtle. He jumped back a bit to protect himself from any danger the old man might have been to him. "You have good reflexes kid. Anyhoo, your parents told me I'd be taking care of ya for a few years or so. Come on, get on Turtle's back and let's go. Oh I'm Roshi if you didn't already know that, you can call me Master Roshi though."

Goku seemed to have believed the old-timer. He was the exact description his parents gave him. He climbed onto the turtle and they made their journey to home. "Say why do you have an umbrella if you won't use it kid? I'm getting soaked and cold!" He looked at the talking animal who looked as though he  was going to freeze and die. "Ah he's fine! Just a big baby is all. That's Turtle by the way." "And use the umbrella kid!"

Goku kept ignoring him. Within a few minutes, they had made it to the old mans house. It was white and had a red roof, a few cracks here and there but all in all, it looked homey. Goku jumped of Turtle and squeezed the water out of his shirt. "Don't worry about that kid. Just get inside and I'll get you some clothes. Take of what you're wearing outside so you won't get my floors wet." Master Roshi warned him before getting of off Turtle himself.

"......thank you sir." He said before running inside the house with the umbrella and wearing just his briefs. Strange man. He seems nice though......maybe this won't be so bad. He thought to himself after he was in the bathroom stripping down to take a bath. I can't wait to see Umbrella-boy again. He's really nice to me. Maybe coming here wasn't so bad.


Well this is the first chapter. If you enjoyed it you can vote on this story and leave a comment. If you didn't, well I can't force y'all into anything now can I?

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