"No Yuma. No more dueling for today. Let's get going" Sakura said as she wave goodbye to Caswell as she dragged Yuma home. 


The Next day:

On the way to school the next day, the duo that consist of Yuma and Sakura was seen running throughout Heartland City, as they make their way over to school. Yuma let out a smile as he saw Bronk skating on his skateboard 

"Hey, Bronk! Wait up!" Yuma said as he call out to him as Bronk hit the brake in his skateboard, as Sakura and Yuma catch up to him. "Let have a duel?" Yuma asked him 

"I'm done dueling you, Yuma. See ya later, Sakura" Bronk said, before he skate off, still angry at Yuma.

"Fine then! I don’t need to duel you. I know better people I want to duel anyway!" Yuma angrily rant as Sakura let out a sigh at his rant. Meanwhile, Yuma emperor key and Sakura pendant began to glow as both Astral and Anubis materialize infront of them.

"I would not bother" Astral said 

"Huh?" Yuma asked as he look confused 

"In your current state of mind, you could duel a tree, and still lose" Astral answered him as Yuma and Sakura turn around to face him 

"Your strategies are always sloppy and ill-conceived, but right now, you do not even have those at your disposal. You just keep attacking and attacking without any thoughts" Astral explained

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Yuma snapped at Astral

"Your recent defeat against Shark have rattle you" Astral response to him. Yuma is still irritated about losing the duel to Shark


"What Astral was meant to say was, that Shark have taken time in order to study and analyze your entire  deck, by figuring out your strength, weaknesses and your strategies. Maybe you should take time in order to study his deck" Sakura said as Yuma turn to face her 

"I guess I never thought about that. Well, I give it a try" Yuma said as he thought back to when Bronk speculated that something bad had happened to Shark at National Duel Circuit and that where the problem between Shark and Sakura have begun

"It time to uncovered the truth"

Afternoon, Heartland Academy Library:

"Ugh....why is finding info on Shark so hard? What does 'invalid path' mean?" Yuma asked himself as he was at the academy library, searching on the computer for any information about Shark 

"You don't come to the Library much do you?" Tori asked him as she walk over with Sakura. The dark green hair girl pretty much drag Sakura to the Library as the latter tried her hardest to come with any excuse not to go there 

"You're currently in the wrong browser. You wanna click there" Sakura said, whilst she point to something on the computer screen as she help Yuma out. Meanwhile, Tori looked over his shoulders, only to see something that caught her eyes

"Hmm? Last year's National Duel Tournament?" Tori asked, not noticing the panic look on Sakura face

"Just checkin something out" Yuma answered as Sakura let out a small smile as he click on the link as the article pop up on the screen, containing the information on Shark

"Disgraced contender Reginald Kastle was disqualified when....Shark's real name is Reginald?" Tori asked

"I didn't know that?" Yuma said in surprised, before he turn around to face Sakura, noticing on how quiet she has been. "Did you know?" He asked her

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