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I just woke up because I had the best idea

Trump took DC back to Florida with him because he's 'still the president'

So he essentially kidnapped him

In order not to cause panic among the states, IDC gets Gov to act like DC while they search for him

The states aren't really that suspicious at all, save for Colorado who immediately picks up on the fact that this isn't DC 

"Coco you're just high and paranoid" 

But there are some things that make the states scratch their head, although they try to justify it. Gov doesn't stay at the Statehouse? Eh, he probably wants to be close to his sister after what happened. Gov doesn't seem interested in the main five? He's probably just stressed, he'll come around. 

Meanwhile Trump is keeping DC in a nearly catatonic state in order to do his bidding. He can't escape if he wants to because his brain is confused. This man isn't the president, but wait he's still acting like president doesn't that mean, no there was a fair election, but was it rigged? 

The perfect ruse is broken one day when Louisiana and Florida on a dare decide to break into Mar-a-Lago to prove they can actually do it

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