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Y'know what brain maybe finish the rest of your shit before you think up new stuff

But here's some dialogue 'cuss I can't get it out of my brain

Gov: So do we have a deal? 

DC: If I become human, I'll never see my sister or the states ever again....

Gov: That's right! But....you'll be free! Life's full of tough choices, innit. 

Gov: Oh and there's also the subject of payment.

DC: I don't have any....

Gov: I'm not asking for much! You'll never even miss it. What I'm asking for you is.....your immortality. 

DC: My

DC: My immortality? 

Gov: No more living forever, no more getting out of harms way. You have a humans life span. You age like a human, you die like a human. Simple really. 

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