chapter 41

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"I can't have a baby...?"

Dr. Owen shook his head then look at the floor, he felt bad giving this news to a young kind woman like (Y/n). "You only have a 3% chance to get pregnant, but it is still considered as infernal Miss (Y/n)... I'm sorry."

She was still processing the information, she didn't realize tears were rolling down her face. Dr. Owen hand her a handkerchief. "Here you might need this." He offers.

(Y/n) took the handkerchief in his hand then wipe her face, but it was still no good. Her tears just keep coming out of her eyes.

Dr. Owen places a hand on her shoulder comforting the young woman in front of him.

"You can not tell Julius about this Dr. Owen, please. He's busy with the upcoming start award. I do not want to be added to his stress." She explains once her tears stopped. Dr. Owen nods in response.

"Alright, It is not my place to interfere. But he still deserves to know Miss (Y/n), you're going have to tell him someday." Dr. Owen explains.

"I know doctor." (Y/n) look down at her hand, what was she going to tell Julius?


Julius was busy signing some paper works on his desk. His mind keeps thinking about the result of the test, he can't wait for the result.

So he stood up from his chair then head to the window.

Marx enters the office carrying a lot of papers. "Sir here are some of the-"
When he places the papers on the table he was met with an empty office. "Not again."

Julius manages to escape his office once again. He changes his appearance as he roams around the capital looking for a certain shop.

Soon he finally found what he was looking for. He approaches the shop and enters the door.

"Good morning sir! What can I do for you?" A gentleman in a formal suit greeted him.

"Yes good morning. I would like to see your finest rings." Julius reply.



(Y/n) head to Julius' office once she calmed herself down. She fixes her face and hair to make herself look presentable.

Knock knock

"Come in" Julius answer.

She took a deep breath then enter his office. "Good day Julius! How was your morning?" She showed him her signature bright smile hiding her true emotion.

Julius took up from his chair then bear hug his beloved (Y/n). "It was fine, so any news?" He places a kiss on top of her head then sat her down on the couch.

(Y/n) have thought about her plan telling Julius, but her panicked mind was keeping her from focus. She places a hand on him then squeezes his hand.

"Julius it's a false alarm, I'm not pregnant." She showed him a smile, saying that she was thrilled about the result.

"Oh. That's great! That's great." That was all Julius could say, he placed his other hand in his pocket holding the little box that was meant to be open soon.

(Y/n) noticed that Julius wasn't thrilled at all. "Julius I'm sorry. I know you were excited about this." She conforms to him then places a kiss on his cheek.

Julius just chuckles then stood up approaching his desk. "No, I'm not that excited my dear. I was just preparing myself for the worst hahaha..." Julius opens his desk drawer then places the small box from his pocket hiding it from the world.

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