Chapter 6 - Scout

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"I don't want to talk about it."

"But Scarlett you have to talk about it at some..."

No, I don't." I say quickly

"If you pretend it didn't happen, it won't just go away."

"You think I don't know that!" I shout furiously, "I won't be able to wear a bikini like a normal teenager. I can't close my eyes without having nightmares. I don't eat. I don't sleep. I'm never going to be normal! I was abused. How the hell am I supposed to be normal? I've never even had normal!"

She looks at me with pity. "I know that. I do. Which is why therapy is going to help you."

"I don't see how digging up past traumas is going to help me."

She sighs "Just trust me."

"That's the thing, I don't." I angrily storm through the door and run away into street, merging with the crowd. I hate crowds but they make it easy to blend in. I glide into an alleyway, easily escaping from the swarming street.

The wind howls, pushing me onwards until I am only a few meters away from a shattered window - window that is meant to be in whole. A blur of black flashes past large khaki dumpsters, completely disappearing from view. I whip around just quick enough to see another blurred figure scurry past. I feel warm heat radiate onto my back as a tall figure leaned his head into the crook of my neck. I shudder involuntarily and back away from him.

"L-leave me alone!" I shout shakily

"Look at this cutie. We'll have some fun with her, won't we boys?"

Two more men emerge from the shadows and a cold pale hand snaked its way around my neck, slamming me against the grubby wall. Constricting my air pipes, wringing them free from oxygen.

"Look at her clear skin and her curvy body. Such a treat!"

He starts groping my body with his filthy hands. No, no, no. Tears start trailing down my face as I struggle to get away.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I beg, "Please! Please stop!"

Black dots start to cloud my vision. I can't black out not now! Suddenly, the hands around my neck vanish and I'm dropped on the floor gasping for breath. What's going o-?

I wake up with a start. Sweat pouring down my body as I breathe heavily. I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. That was a mild nightmare; there's been worst. At least I didn't wake up screaming this time. It would've been so embarrassing if Riley had heard, he'd probably tell all is jock friends.

I go and get dressed in a sports bra and some leggings. I'm not going to go back to sleep, so I might as well work out some of my pent-up aggression. Grabbing my headphones, I sneak downstairs into the basement and turn on the small lightbulb that illuminates the small room and I drag the punching bag to its stand before setting it up and begin my workout.

My fist sinks into the bag. Swallowed by the excess skin that ripples with every punch I throw. I imagine his face. His grimy features, that I've unfortunately inherited, and cold evil eyes that I never saw with warmth. I think of all the times he punished me. All the times he 'disciplined' me. I punch the bag again. And again. And again. The wrap on my hand tightening with every punch. Even with the headphones on I heard the garage door open and I whipped around to flip the intruder on his back. I then shove him onto his stomach before yanking his arm behind his back, effectively pinning him to the floor.

"Who the hell are you?!" I bark. I'm not going to be a victim again.

The intruder lets out a pained cry. "What...What are you doing?"

Riley. Oh My God! I let him go quickly and scramble away from him with wide panicked eyes. "I am so so sorry!" I say, "I didn't... I didn't mean to. I thought you were someone else."

Riley rolls onto his back panting heavily. I can see his pupils dilated. He's drunk. Or high. One of them.

"Ugghh! I don't feeeel so goooood." He slurs. "I think you made me siick." Then vomits all over the floor before he slumps back down. Great. Now I'm going to have to look after his immature ass. Tonight, is going to be a blast.

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