Chapter I

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YN was like every other child when he young he had no parents so he was protected by The Mob And When he grew up he decided to become a part of the yakuza one day when he came home he noticed a envelope, he left it there but eventually he got curios and opened it and the letter read
Dear, YN LN You have gradually been accepted and invited into hopes peak academy we hope you can attend if you decide you want to attend call this number
And the address is
XXXX X (Random street name) St.
We Hope you accept this invitation

YN LN, Ultimate mobster

YN:W-what hopes peak academy

Out of shock he passed out and when he woke up he was in his bed wondering how he got there but passing it off none the less he walked out of his house and started to go to America to go to hopes peak when he went he got to America he went to the bank to get some U.S dollars he gave the bank a briefcase full of cash precisely 1,000,000,000¥ they then questioned him but he was a very good liar so he lied his way out and when he got his money back he walked out and counted having exactly $9173050.00 wow that was a mad drop of money so he went and got a 5 star hotel so that he had some where to rest and eat just for the day until he goes to hopes peaks dorms he could barely sleep that night but the next day when he woke up he went to go get breakfast then checked out and left to hopes peak in a uber with all of his money on his card so he couldn't get robbed when he got there he went straight to the principles office to get his dorm key and schedule

AN Hey this is the first chapter of my new book I really wish to finish this book
WC 415

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