Chapter 2

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Mari always had her hair covering her eyes. Thalia was angry, she hasn't seen her eye color. It was frustrating. She tried asking Lady Shiva but same thing, hair. As time grew, Damien hated his sister more, and Thalia saw this and decided that Mari would battle Lady Shiva in hopes she would get killed or seriously hurt.

It was the day of the fight, the league was excited even though they aren't allowed to show it. Thalia sat on her father's right, with Damien on the left. Damian hasn't battled Lady Shiva yet as she was the best assassin in the league and would probably kill Damien if not careful.

Damian on the other hand was seething. "Mother, why can't I battle Lady Shiva and the peasant does?" "Shut it Damien, she will probably die during the fight anyways." Thalia answered. Ra's smirked, " This should be good." 

The fight started. It was not going good for Lady Shiva, which is surprising because she is the most  ruthless of assassins. Damien noticed that there were openings Mari didn't take, then he realized that if she had taken those openings, she would have been taken out. Very impressive he must say. All through, her hair covered eyes. Though he tried to peek, with no luck he gave up.

The battle was still going and Lady Shiva could barely block the little blunette's attacks.

" STOP!!" Ra's commanded. And immediately Mari put her fist down, bowed to Ra's, Thalia and Damian. She picked Lady Shiva up with no hesitation and walked to the med bay. No one tried to stop her. 

Mari walked out of the arena without a  scratch while Lady Shiva was trying to recover. So this means Mari will have a new teacher until Lady Shiva recovers.

~~~~They are now 7

Death Stroke attacked the league. Thalia took Damian to meet his father, Bruce Wayne. She left Mari on the door step of the guardian temple but thought it was an orphanage. Mind you, the league has been trying to find the temple of the guardians for ages and she just walked out of it.

'she seriously doesn't sense the magic in here, the scent is so thick, I bet I could cut it with my sword. What kind of assassin is she? I'm not gonna tell her tho'🤭 Mari thought

The Order of the Guardians took her in and they knew she was an assassin right away. Mari trained all day, slept for 5 hours in the night, woke up to study the guardian language, worked out, went for her classes then she would eat once a day because that is what she was used to. The guardians were worried but didn't say anything. They also didn't get the chance to see her eyes as her grew some centimeters longer every  2 ½ weeks. (Why? because I said so)

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