06 | ive been sleeping.

Start from the beginning

"Oh, thanks Kaminari! I appreciate it." You shot Kaminari a kind smile, a light blush blooming over his cheeks. "Y-Yeah! Don't mention it!"

"Hey! I'm still here too!" Sero complained, though his tone suggested that he was obviously joking.

"Hurry up and get changed, you problem children!" Aizawa scolded the three of you, slowly getting out of his sleeping bag while his eyes glowed bright red.

"Yes sir!"


"In order to get everyone seated smoothly on the bus, file into two lines according to your numbers!" Iida seemed to conjure a whistle out of nowhere, loud whistled ringing through the air as his hand chopped up and down.

You stifled a laugh at the sight, smacking a hand over your mouth while Mina tried to contain her giggles as well.

Iida's efforts weren't needed, since the bus was built completely different than he had anticipated.

Coincidentally you were the last one on the bus, scanning over the back rows to see if you could sit with somebody you were at least acquainted with. Mina was already sitting in one of the side seats with Kaminari and Kirishima, Hagakure and Ojiro were already seated with each other, Shouji was big enough to take up an entire seat by himself, and pretty much everyone else you were at least comfortable with was taken as well. That left...


You would have much preferred to have an entire seat to yourself, so that you could lay down and possibly take a nap, but the universe seemed to disagree and grant you a big fat 'NO.'

You plopped down next to Canada, the boy not even so much as glancing in direction and instead keeping his gaze out the window. Thank god Jirou was sitting in front of you.

"Jirou, wanna listen to some music?" You popped open your airpod case, offering her one to which she gladly took. You half debated asking Todoroki to switch with her, but the bus was already moving so you couldn't risk it without getting shut down by Aizawa. You didn't even know if he would agree to it. Then again, Jirou's unfortunate seatmate was Bakugou, and literally nobody wanted to risk sitting next to him.

"(Favorite band/singer?)" You tilted your head to the side, the pretty girl nodding with a small content smile. You grinned and put your favorite song on, leaning back against the plush seats of the bus before closing your eyes. Maybe you could catch a couple of z's despite the literal icy figure next to you. You allowed your body to relax, the song playing in your ears at a reasonable volume. You had decided to leave your Infinity on for the time being, just in case anyone tried to pry off your blindfold in your sleep.

You weren't particularly bothered by Todoroki's cold presence, despite the conversation the two of you had recently. His words had struck a cord within you, but you decided not to let the words of some dickhead sway your own personal goals. So what if he didn't like the fact that you beat him? That's his problem, not yours. You soon fell asleep listening to the music in your ear, your head lolling a bit to the side that was sure to leave a sore later.


Todoroki was confused.

Why in the world were you sitting to him? He understood that there were a limited amount of seats, but he was just confused as to why you were so... calm around him. So indifferent despite the fact that he literally insulted you just the other day.

His heterochromic eyes glanced back at your relaxed form, your blindfold neatly covering your eyes as your hair gently framed the sides of your face. He had always assumed your hair color was quite similar to his own, but upon closer inspection it looked to be a very light shade of periwinkle.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now