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(play the song)

y/n pov

Another Friday night being spent alone, reading fan fiction in my bed. I was reading 'Change' by uhxauthor on wattpad (no seriously it's a great story. go read it) "Honestly fuck Keigo. I want Y/n." I thought to myself after finishing the latest chapter. I got up and went to my full length mirror. I stared at myself wearing my usual hoodie and shorts, "If I'm Y/n, and Y/n is me...Could I marry myself?"

I asked no one while admiring myself. "I've never really noticed it, but I'm kind of cute..." I turned to look at my ass, "My ass getting fat, purrr! Somebody need to grab it," I said grabbing my own ass and laughing at myself. "This is why I don't get invited out on Friday nights," I said getting closer to the mirror and placing my hand against my reflection. "Y/n will you marry me?" I asked myself smiling. My hand was still flat on the mirror's surface but our fingers intertwined in the reflection. "What the fuck?!" I yelled quickly pulling my hand away as my reflection did the same. "Honestly Jhené, you and me both. I didn't even smoke but I think I'm high right now."

I put my hand against my reflection again. Our fingers laced in the reflection, once again. I stared in awe and mumbled to myself, "So it wasn't a hallucination." I looked up at myself, staring into my own eyes. I left my hand where it was but did awkward movements in the mirror to test my reflection but it followed everything I did. "If everything else is the same then why are our fingers laced?" I asked still looking at myself. "Are you...me?" I asked staring at myself. The reflection's lips moved in sync.

I closed my eyes and asked again. This time there was an echo.

"Are you...me?"
"Are you...me?"

I jerked my head up to see my reflection. "Yes," I said, but my voice was alone again. I closed my eyes once more.


"Don't say anything else."
"Don't say anything else."

"Damnit. How can we communicate if we keep saying-"
"Fuck. How can we talk if you keep saying-"

"Hold on!"

"You said something different."
"You said something different."

I looked up at my reflection and held a finger to my lips in a shushing motion. They didn't copy me, instead I received a silent nod in response. I was amazed not only by the fact that my reflection didn't reflect me, but also that they did something completely different than me. I had so many questions.

"Can you hear me?" My reflection shook their head 'no.' "But you can understand me?" They nodded. "How?" They pointed to their lips. "You're reading my lips?" I asked, receiving a nod in response. They tried to say something but unlike them, I suck at reading lips. "I can't read lips..." I said, feeling slightly inferior to my own reflection. They did a hand sign that looked like writing so I left the mirror to get a pen and note pad. I came back, replacing my hand as my fingers once again intertwined in the reflection. They signed the alphabet giving me letters to write down.


"Co-mew-i-thme? That's not a word. Oh! Come with me! Wait huh?" I looked up at them and they nodded. "How?" I asked. They signaled for me to come closer to the mirror, then put their free hand to their forehead before touching the mirror. "Put my forehead against the mirror?" They nodded and I did. I closed my eyes waiting to see what would happen.

I felt a hand against my cheek. I opened my eyes to see myself staring at me. Our fingers were still intertwined but I could actually feel it now, the warmth of my hand against mine. I stared at myself in awe. "Hey Y/n," I said smiling at me. "Aren't you Y/n too? I mean You're my reflection," I asked. "You can call me Rē (ray) so there's no confusion between us," my reflection replied laughing.

"How did you...I...we bring me here?" I asked looking around the room. "And where exactly is here?" "My bedroom obviously. How do you not recognize it? It looks just like yours," Rē said in slight confusion. "Actually Rē it looks nothing like mine. The exact opposite..." I said continuing to look around their room. "Whatever. Do you want to be with me?" "Wh- What?" I asked directing my attention back to her. "I read a lot of fanfic. And sometimes I wonder what it would be like to date Y/n. But that's me, and I'm you. So..." Rē took a step closer to me and wrapped her arm around my waist, gently pulling me against her. "Do you want to be with me?" Rē asked again.

"Is it weird to date myself?" I asked, intrigued by the option to actually be with Y/n, or Rē as they told me to call them. "Who gives a shit. I want you. Do you feel the same way?" Rē was looking deep into my eyes. "Yes. Can I kiss you? Or is it too soon?" I responded. Rē laughed at my question, "You're such a dork." She pulled me into a kiss. Damn I'm a good kisser, I thought to myself. Rē broke the kiss laughing, "You idiot. I'm you. I can hear your thoughts."


A/N: ummm wtf did i just write? uhxauthor i did it💀 anyway i'm sorry i can't do long chapters for this story. i'm tripping myself out writing it and trying to process it so it makes enough sense. my head kind of hurts now but i hope you liked it. i don't know where i'm gonna go from here but we'll see i guess😂😂

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