November 1st, 2021

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Officially 1 month until the Yule Ball, let asking season begin. The weekend was very uneventful. Halloween was a total let down, because of the re-building we weren't allowed off campus for Halloween. A WASTE of a Halloween. We all just kind of had our separate Halloweens, I spent mine studying for my Defense Against The Dark Arts class. Professor Lupins tests aren't easy. 

I walk to the Great Hall for breakfast, right as I get there Ron walks up to me "Hey could we talk for a second?" Wait I thought he had detention "Ron I thought today was your last day of suspension, why are you outside your dorm?" He looks at me and smirks "I snuck out silly, now I we need to talk, in private". Oh great, I'm just a tad nervous "Uh sure, lets go to Moaning Myrtles bathroom". We get there and he starts "So I need to ask you something, you don't need to say yes but I think you will..." IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS? I wonder why he isn't doing it in front of people but at least he's asking me! I fill up with happiness as a smile cracks onto my face "Shoot Ron, what's up?" I say slightly shaking with joy, he asks "Could you help Harry ask Ginny to the Yule Ball?" O. Well that was a let down. I slowly move the smile from my face and reply "Oh uh I mean yes yes of course, what can I do?" He smiles and tells me Harrys plan "So it's gonna happen on Wednesday, 2 days from now, right before Quidditch practice. George and Fred are gonna light fireworks spelling out " Gin, Yule Ball?" as she walks out onto the field. I need you to make sure Ginny gets out to the field by exactly 4:30, exactly when Quidditch starts. So you in?" Aw how cute, "Of course I'm in, I will make sure, now lets go back to the Great Hall, I am so hungry". We walk back and my day starts...

JEEZ THAT TEST WAS TOUGH AF. Holy shit. I think I did good, maybe. I hope so. I decided to go visit Ron after Quidditch, he must be so bored. Right after Quidditch I shower and head over to his dorm. I walk up to his dorm but hesitate to go in, I hear shouting "RON YOU WHAT?! YOU HAD HER UP HERE ALONE IN OUR DORM, AND NOT TO MENTION, WITH YOUR SHIRT OFF?!" Is, is that Dean yelling? "YOU ABSOLUTE PLAYER!" Yup it's Dean, he's the only one who would say that. "GUYS GUYS CALM DOWN!" I heard Harry yell, of course he is trying to mediate, goddamn moral fiber. Then I hear Ron, oh god " WELL I'M NOT THE CREEPY GIT WHO GAVE HER A DAMN LOVE NOTE BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO FUCKING SCARED. SHE WOULD NEVER GO FOR A GUY LIKE THAT, AND YOU KNOW IT." Oh my god, they are fighting over me. " RON YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU KNOW HOW NERVOUS SHE MAKES ME, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU BRING IT UP!?!" Yeah why would he bring it up, I think he's just trying to defend himself. "DEAN CALM DOWN! I understand you like her, but I see the way she looks at me, and I see the way she looks at you. It isn't the same. The moments we've shared together are unreal, how many times has she tried to be alone with you? I'm sorry man, but she chose me." WAIT-

I burst into the room, and all eyes fall on me. As I walk in I yell " STOP MAKING DESCISIONS FOR ME!! IT MAY BE TRUE, BUT I HAVE A RIGHT TO TELL DEAN MYSELF RON." Oh shit what did I just say. "Hey I didn't mean-" Ron mutters, but I cut him off  "Ron, Harry please leave, I need to speak with Dean alone". Ron and Harry swiftly leave, and it's just Dean and I left alone. "Dean sit, we need to talk", he sits down on his bed and I start " Dean, I am truly flattered, and I was very overwhelmed by your letter. I admire you for the kind words, but I really don't feel the same way, I'm sorry. You were my first friend at Hogwarts, and I still see that boy he was nervous but had the balls to talk to me. I love you Dean, just not in a romantic way. Thank you for being an amazing friend, and I still hope we can remain friends". He looks at me, holding back tears, and says "Of course, thank you for just being you", aw. "Well I'll see you tomorrow, now go find an amazing girl or boy to ask to Yule Ball ;)."  "Wait you-" Dean mentions, "Dean, it's obvious" I say, he looks at me and smiles. I go to open the door and only see Harry standing in the doorway, I ask "Harry, where's Ron?", he looks at me "So are you and Dean dating?" WHAT- "Harry NO, I let him down gently ask him" "It's true Harry" Dean chimes in. "Well you better tell him that, because that isn't what he heard".


Xoxo, Ronald WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now