October 29, 2021

348 10 2

I can't believe it, its been a month since I was at Hogwarts. Thankfully the damage has been repaired, but I still remember hearing the news and falling to my knees...

"Good evening children", Dumbledore boomed. This cant be good. "You all are most likely pondering why I have called you hear after supper, I have some devastating news", Oh no. I started to look around, Ron sat behind me and grabbed my hand as he heard Dumbledore's words. We are both nervous. As hell. Dumbledore continues "Hogwarts will
be closing for a short period due to the recent attacks by Bellatrix and the other death eaters, who are still looking for trouble, even after Voldemort's death. I am truly saddened to close the school, but we feel it is necessary. The Yule Ball is still schedules for December 1st like every year, as of right now. You will leave tomorrow afternoon, so pack and we will see you tomorrow. Now off you go." CLOSE HOGWARTS?! HOW COULD THEY? I DON'T WANNA GO PLEASE N-

Now I'm back here. Haven't seen Ron in a month, nor have I heard from him. I wrote him a note the day I got home and had Nova Rae send it, and I trust her. I wondered why he didn't get back to me... Oh well. I guess I'll see him tomorrow morning.

"AHH, MIONE WHA- ", Mione shook we awake hastily. "WAKE UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE!!!" Oh My God. MY ALARM DIDN'T GO OFF. FUCK. "OH SHIT MIONE MOVE I GOTTA GET READY" "just thank me later I guess" she says, someone's sassy this morning. I get ready in the 15 minutes I have, and I somehow manage to still be able to walk down to the Great Hall with Gin and Mione. We enter and I have never been happier. The Great Hall was filled with happy chatter, not sadden faces! Laughs instead of crying. Man I missed home. Mione and I walk to grab our food and sit down. I look for Ron's face as I go to sit down. I couldn't see him though. Weird. I sit and notice that Angelina and Fred are sitting next to each other with their hands intertwined in the others.....AWWW THEY ARE DATING!! YAY FINALLY! Anyways, that made me smile for a moment then I remember that Ron is missing from the table. Where could that cute red head be...

The whole day goes by and I don't see him. What the fuck. I go to Quidditch practice and decide to ask Harry where he is "Hey Harry, where's Ron? I haven't seen him all day, I'm a little worried." Harry looks at his broom, then back up at me "Oh uh Ron is just taking a mental health day, I asked him to join Dean, Seamus and I later at Honeydukes but he declined. He must be super tired." Oh okay, well I decided that I will go check on him after Quidditch. Oh boy.

I go to Ron's room after I showered, assuming to find him sick or hurt in bed. I open the door and see Ron on his bed. 

Not sick.

Not hurt.

Not crying.

Just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing.

"Ron?" I ask, very very confused. He looks up and climbs out of bed SHIRTLESS. He's so hot holy shit, anyways. "Uh what are you uh doing here...?" What do you think dumbass. "Well I noticed you weren't in school AT ALL today, and I also just came to talk", "Oh well um I wasn't in school today because Fred, George and I got caught sneaky out before the whole Bellatrix situation, so I have detention today and tomorrow...anyways what do you want to talk about?" Of fucking course he got caught, I've never got caught. "I wanted to just ask, what's up with me literally saying I love you before this strange break, writing to you and not hearing back from you?" He looks dreadfully at me, walks towards me and says "I got your letter, and I'm so sorry I didn't respond, with Bellatrix on the loose, Mom kind of lost it, she wouldn't let our owl leave the house nor any of us. She grounded me for sneaking out, so I was alone for most of the break. She got better, but by that time it was 3 days before we returned back, I thought it didn't matter. I am so sorry." Well as excuses go, that's a pretty good one. He seems so upset. I walk towards him and cup my hand on his cheek as a lonely tear rolls down his cheek. Break must have been rough. I wiped his tear away and whispered "hey, hey, I'm here, don't worry I'm not upset, shh sh." I continue to stroke his cheek, he grabs my hand still on his cheek and whispers "Thank you love". OH MY GOSH I'M MELTED. I am literally so in love with this boy. Now he starts to full on sob. My boy. He leans in for a hug, and I grasp his head, pulling his head into my shoulder. I whisper "Shh shh its okay Ron I promise shh." We stand there for a few minutes, just standing there embraced in each other. He props his head back up. I reach for his face and I bring my lips to his cheek and kiss his soft cheek. As my lips retreated from his cheek, his face turns an adorable red. He chuckles "why thank you beautiful", JEEZ I LOVE HIM. I say under my breath but just loud enough so he can hear me "I have to go okay, I will come visit you tomorrow okay?" "No, please don't leave.." Ron utters in a sad cute tone. aw. "I have to, Mione and I need to study, and I have loads of homework." "Aw okay, well I'll see you tomorrow love", I bring my lips to his ear and whisper "see you tomorrow", he begins to bring his lips to my ear "goodnight". Now I'm getting red...

After my study session I slip into bed, trying to wrap my head around what happened earlier that night...

Xoxo, Ronald WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now