"And you said I was getting attached" he mutters

Sam rolls his eyes at him and rubs my arm with his thumb, turning his head back to the movie.

"You lovebirds hungry?" Dean asks, standing up

"Shut up Dean, you're just jealous no on likes you" Sam mocks him from earlier

"You two fight like an old married couple" I mumble against Sam's shirt, stilling staring at the screen infront of me

Dean smirks and grabs his car keys before tapping my leg.

"What you want?"

"Mmm....bacon!" I exclaim

"Anything else?" He smiles at my reaction

"Umm grilled chicken with spanish rice"

"Sounds like a plan. Sammy, usual?" Dean points to his brother while walking to the door

"Yep" Sam nods

"Alright. I'll be back in a few"

He shuts the door behind him and starts the Impala, driving away. I unpause the movie and cuddle back into Sam, making him smile and hug my shoulder, watching it with me.


An hour later, Dean got back with our food and walked into the room to find me asleep on the bed, Sam in the bathroom. He smiles and sets the food on the table, walking over to me and slightly shaking me awake.

"I have your food sweetheart" he whispers

I groan and rub my eyes, sitting up and pulling the covers off of my legs. I waddle over to the table and sit down as Dean fishes out everyone's food, gently handing me mine.

"Thanks" I mumble, starting to wake up

"You're welcome honey" Dean smiles and hands me a fork

Sam walks out of the bathroom and sees us, grabs his food, and leans on the kitchen counter.

"Damn, this is really good" I admire

"Here. Try this" Sam hands me a pepper from his plate

I take the pepper and bite into it, chewing the seeds and skin. Sam watches in amazement as my face remains expressionless and I continue eating.

"That was the hottest pepper I've ever eaten and you just swallowed it" he mumbles in shock

"Was it spicy?" Dean asks

"Not really. I have a high pain tolerance" I shrug

"Awesome" Dean smiles, eating his food

Once we had finished, Sam explained that we were hunting a pack of vampires.

"How many?" Dean stands behind me

"By the victims, I guessing 8"

"Ok. Let's go" I nod

I try to stand up but Dean pushes me back down by my shoulders.

"No, you're staying here"

"What? No! You guys need me!" I protest, looking at Sam

"Cas will be here if you need anything. You're not going" he copys his brother

"Oh come on! I thought you were on my side!"

I try to stand up again but Dean pushes my back down, this time holding me down by my shoulders. Cas appeared behind me and walked over to us, seeing me pouting.

"She hates the plan" he observes

"She does" I sass him

"Izzy, we don't want you getting hurt-" Sam starts

"Whatever. Just go" I mumble, looking away from him

He sighs and grabs his gear bag, walking out the door, Dean following him shortly after. I huff back in my seat as Cas watches me with his head tilted.

"You're....angry" he observes

"You think, feathers?" I say harshly

Cas looks at me before quickly looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound that" I sigh, standing up and walking over to one of the beds

"I know you want to help, but they just want to keep you safe. Especially Dean" Cas explains

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking back at him

"Well, he's obviously taken a liking to you, Sam has as well, but Dean's is stronger"

"So you're saying Dean likes me?" I tilt my head


"Do you know where they were going? Just so I know"

"Well, there's a barn a couple miles down the road. I'm pretty sure that's where they went" Cas shrugs

"Ok. Thanks Cas and, I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry about?"

I snap around and point my wand at the angel.


He immediately freezes in his place, making it so I could apperate to the barn.

I arrive at the old wooden building and slowly look around for the brothers, not seeing them and walking towards a window to peer inside. I could see the 8 vampires sleeping in hammocks, not knowing what's about to happen to them. I was suddenly grabbed and flipped around, a hand flying over my mouth to silence my surprised squeal.

"I told you to stay at the motel!" Dean's voice whisper yells at me, his face inches from mine "do you have any idea how dangerous what you did is?!"

"I just wanted to help" I defend, pushing his hand off my mouth

"You gonna get yourself killed Izzy. Go wait in the car" he lets go of my arms


"Now" he says sternly

I growl but obey, walking to the car and sitting in the back seat, pouting with my arms crossed. Dean sighs and watches me sink down in my seat and out of view when Sam called him over.

"Why is she here?!" He asks frantically

"Don't worry about it. You ready?"


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