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Peter dragged himself miserably out of bed. He had a bunch of bruises along his rib where he'd broken it last night, and they hurt like hell. But the first day of school was finally here, and he needed to move or he would be late.

He grabbed some breakfast then hurried to school, grinning as he caught up with Ned at the lockers. They did their secret handshake, and Ned showed Peter the new phone he'd got over the holiday.

"I've already downloaded all my favourite music!" He told Peter, putting in his earphones. "See you at lunch!"

"Ned! Peter!" A teacher approached them. "I need you to show around our new- Ned! NED LEEDS!"

Ned kept walked obliviously down the corridor, bopping to his music.

The teacher looked around desperately, and spotted MJ heading out of a classroom.

"Jones! I need you and Parker to tour the new kids. They're in the office."

The teacher hurried away, leaving Peter standing awkwardly with MJ.

They started speaking at the same time.

"Should we-"

"I guess we should-"

They both stopped, and Peter flushed.

"Let's go."

In the office, a toned blonde girl and a tan guy with dark hair were chatting to each other. Peter and MJ introduced themselves, and they began to show the new kids around. MJ and the girl hung back, having a heated discussion about buildings, and Peter talked to the boy, who he discovered was called Percy.

It was kind of hard to talk to him, because they had nothing in common that Peter could find. Nerdy, no. Science, no. Only child, no. The guy didn't even know who the Avengers were, so unless he too was a secret hero in his free time, they had no similarities whatsoever.


Annabeth had enjoyed talking to MJ. She'd been confident and passionate, like Annabeth, and rather than being shy and awkward like normal people meeting for the first time, Annabeth had mentioned architecture and they had launched into a full-on debate about whether or not outward appearance was more or less important than structural integrity, MJ not worried about offending Annabeth with her opinions.

Annabeth liked her.

She wondered idly how Percy had gotten on with the boy. She wasn't sure she liked him as much - they were in an important maths lesson and he was doing something on his laptop, clearly ignoring the teacher.

But then the teacher asked a very complicated question, and Peter answered right first time without looking up. The teacher carried on as if this were a normal occurrence, and Annabeth had to admit that maybe she'd been quick to judge.

A month later, they'd mostly settled into school. Annabeth became good friends with MJ, and subsequently Ned and Peter too. Percy tended to hang out with Ned and Peter whilst she debated with MJ. When she asked him one time what they talked about, he shared with her that half the time he had no idea what they were on about, and most of the time they spent trying to educate him about the local superheroes - yes, superheroes.

Annabeth had to admit, she was annoyed when she first heard about them. They'd only saved the world once, and it sounded like they now did nothing but bask in glory, fame and riches - and they had a mutant spider in spandex haunting one of the local neighbourhoods. 

Annabeth just hoped she never had to meet him.

(A/N: Quick info: I published 2 in a row to get the book started, but from now on I'll be updating every... hmm... Wednesday. Probably. Maybe. If I forget, spam me. Warning: some of the chapters are a bit short and I know everything's moving very quickly at the moment but it's only the start so bear with me, and enjoy!)

Demigods: At Midtown (A Percy Jackson and Marvel crossover)Where stories live. Discover now