Part 12: Karlnap Cuddles!

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Sapnap's P.O.V.:

I was confused.

For some unknown reason, people kept staring at me and Karl. I knew that Karl's suit looked like a monstrosity, like seriously, who makes multicolored baggy clothes and decided to wear it? Especially with the type of fabric the suit was made out of. Like seriously, i was pretty sure that strangers would think he was a crack head. Only one person would do that. Karl. But I think he wore that because of his minecraft skin, it was his signature look. But why were they staring at me?! Do I look that bad in this suit?

Nevermind. I probably thought they were looking at me because I was sitting next to him. Whatever. I didn't mind. Me and Karl were talking on the subject if minecraft ever since the question of the Dream SMP role-playing during tour occurred.

I was definitely being stared at. Karl went to go to the bathroom and I was sitting there on my phone because people were still switching seats apparently. When people weren't talking, they were looking at me or the empty seat next to me.

I just wanted this ball to start already. We would dance first because moving too much after eating wasn't good. Then we would eat and have a big banquet. Apparently 60% of the bill was covered by YouTube. The other 40% was covered by us. Another we reason why we would get menus with the price next to it. The staff was also not allowed to get the order to the kitchen until you said your name and stuff so that the pay would be fair and stuff.

I was wondering what was taking so long when I realized that two people, Rae and Corpse were fighting over who sat next to Sykkuno. Rae said she got first dibs because she was his bestie, Corpse said that he got to sit there because he sat there first. Sykkuno was sitting a t the edge so them sitting in both sides were out, but I wondered why Sykkuno couldn't just move over one seat so they could both sit next to him.

They eventually did that, good riddance. But now we had to pay attention to someone teach us how to do a ballroom dance. Totally fun. I was just planning on doing some more modern dancing but they really wanted this to be as authentic as possible.

As I was listening because I wasn't turning down free dancing lessons, I realized how elaborate this would be. Oh man. I'm probably going to mess this up a lot.

When we were doing the first round of dancing, most of us messed up and we all got our feet stepped on at some point. The second round of the waltz was for the meme. And for the clout. Eret put on a Victorian dress with the colors of the bi flag and we all did some wacky things as well as popular mcyt ships dancing together. For some reason, whe me and Karl were dancing, his face was heating up and stuff.

Whatever. It was hot in these suits so I didn't think much of it. The third round of dancing was freestyle so that was fun.

By the end of the night, I was so exhausted and my feet ached so bad, some of us just crashed at a suite that was closer if the people who actually lived there allowed it.

Karl was tired so I just let him crash on our couch seeming as his suite was 2 floors up. Whatever.

We all tried to not drink a lot of alcohol seeming as we were leaving tomorrow afternoon, but someone decided to spike the punch at our table. I think it had something to do with George or Dream.

Karl had no idea until some other people started getting tipsy and commented on how the sparkling water tasted weird.

Yeah, I know, right? Who gives people sparkling water from one big container for every table but not any other drinks?

Anyway, Karl was drunk but not too drunk where he threw up. I walked into my room and started changing into more comfortable clothes to sleep in when I realized that someone had walked in. Luckily I had already changed by then, but it was kinda awkward.

Karl walked (more like wobbled) over to me and mumbled something like Washing machine fire soap.

I had no idea what he said so obviously I said, "Um, sure..."

To which Karl responds with tackling me to the sofa in the corner of my room and snuggling into my chest. I could feel my face turning beet red, but I don't think Karl noticed. Luckily, Karl had changed into a hoodie before coming over to my room because Jimmy was kind enough to drop off some clothes because Karl was so fatigued and tired that while on the elevator, Karl had trouble stand up and ended up just sitting on the floor.

I just decided to go with it and to avoid an awkward moment, I would just say I was drunk. And people would believe me seeming as I did drink some of my spiked sparkling water.

As I was sitting there, I realized that my face wasn't red just because this was embarrassing, I actually liked him. This was surprising because I was kind of questioning my sexuality and stuff because sometimes I would check out a guy. Now I knew I actually like boys. Which also checks out because I started thinking about girls only because my dad and my family would joke about it and edge me on to find a girl.

While I was thinking, I started drifting off to sleep.

Dream's P.O.V.:

I was talking to George about when we should have an actual date when we were in North Carolina, when we got a notification on our phones.

We both checked to see Nick and Karl cuddling ont he couch in his room.

This meant 2 things.

1. One of our plans have finally worked


2. They did have a thing for each other

The GC was debating on if we should wake them up or not to make them embarrassed, but I told them to leave the two alone because Karl did accidentally drink a lot of the spiked sparkling water because he is oblivious as fuck, so he probably has a bad hangover right now.

We all agreed on that and we all decided to quietly pack the rest of our stuff up and if they weren't awake by then, we would wake them up to get them to finish packing for the road trip to North Carolina.

This took way to longer than usual. I am also now going to write down the date of when this was published because I am horrible at keeping track of time. I also promise that Quackity will also join their relationship eventually.


Word Count: 1173

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