Chapter 11

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Afnan's POV

As usual the house was filled with different chatters, kids playing here and there.

Before you know it, they all rushed to husband welcomed us, hugs everywhere and some  even helped with the luggage.

"Abeeeeeeedah" khairat squeled and tackle her into a hug.

Many of our cousins came and gave us a hug but mostly to Aneesa and yaya Abeedah, I was lucky to get some.

"How are you khairat, I missed you, kwana da yawa" yaya Abeedah replied hugging her with equal happiness.

"Hey afanan ya kike"

"Hi khairat, am fine Alhamdulillah"

She nodded and get her head back to yaya Abeedah.

That was the only formal greeting between us, nothing more.

I just stand there awkwardly being shoved away like the broccoli on your plate.

"....khairat!!" Someone called.

She turn around looking for the person, and I got the chance to motion for yaya Abeedah 'let's go'.

She nodded and excused herself from khairat.

"Finally!!! She talks too much" o sigh.

"No it's not like that, we haven't seen each other for so long, we are just catching up, and she's nice"

"Yeah you can say that" I replied gloomily.

Yaya Abeedah just shake her head with a smile.

We got inside the main house and more hugs welcomed us.

I was already exhausted from too much hugging.

Uggghh, I wish I could have a warm shower and sleep.

We went to greet hajja usaina and after that we head yo our room.

"What's aunty Shukrah doing here"

I whispered to yaya Abeedah.

"Hhmm, the mighty Dada comes to a conclusion that provided you are married to one of the Tofas, you can come"

"Sai yanzu ta gane, dama ai she wasn't suppose to keep kids away from there parents just for a gathering sake, does mama know?"

"I don't think so, it was a late's even better that the little kids have their mothers with them"

"Yes it is"

We head towards the familiar giant brown wooden door. The site where the girls cousins stay.

Just like a birding school it's two people per room.

"Yaya Abeedah can we please share a room?"

"What! Why?"

"Just like that, please yaya Abeedah"

"You must tell me why"

"You know I don't get along with most of them, I will be so lonely"

"Afnan it's high time you come out from that shell of yours, you're 18 for God sake if not now the when"

"I tried yaya Abeedah, but they always play it the same, they always look for an opportunity to criticize me,to embarrass me, to make me feel bad"

"Sorry to say this Afnan are not trying hard enough, you always let peoples words get to you, it's like you're scared of them.....of is it patience you called it" she rolled her eyes "you don't always run away crying it's really embarrassing, just because some stupid girl insults you, you're not a kid anymore, you need to stand up for yourself..... can't run away from it forever"

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