''True,'' agrees Kidou. They fall into silence as the car speeds through the streets, getting closer to their destination with every passing minute.

After a while, though, Raimon's coach speaks again. ''Do you think Jirou and the others can handle the teams?''

For the first time since he stepped into the car, Sakuma opens his mouth to say something. ''We can't be sure,'' he says grimly. ''If Vain Delusion really does have a link with Ishikawa, who knows how they'll react.'' He doesn't look away from the road as he answers.

Endou bites his lip and frowns. ''Aren't you worried that maybe...'' he trails off hesitantly and both Kidou and Gouenji shoot him a look.

''That what?'' asks Seidouzan's coach, turning to face his friend fully when Raimon's coach keeps his gaze down. ''Endou?''

The dark-haired male sighs. ''What if the missing players are there? What if they're the members of Vain Delusion?'' he asks finally, a hint of his uncertainty showing through his voice.

Sakuma tightens his grip on the steering wheel, while a frown contorts Kidou's features and Gouenji places a supporting hand on Endou's shoulder. ''It's possible,'' says Seidouzan's coach softly. ''But we also know that Tenma and the others wouldn't work with Ishikawa like that, so if they do...''

''...something serious must've happened,'' finishes Kidou darkly. ''It means they're playing against their will. And if that's the case, we can find out what happened and save them.''

''We have to,'' agrees Sakuma, and only the fire in his eyes breaks his calm façade.

Gouenji nods, his dark eyes locked onto Endou's. He squeezes the older man's shoulder gently. ''I know you want to save them, Endou. We all do. You're not alone in this.''

The Raimon coach spares him a fleeting smile. ''Thanks, Gouenji.''



Yuuichi is speechless as he watches the large screen.

After the more than worrying discovery, Endou, Gouenji, Kidou and Sakuma immediately left for the stadium in order to view the match live, while the other coaches have worked on setting up a screen to watch it on. All the teams have gathered at the field of Paradise Stadium in order to watch the game.

No one is saying anything, too shaken to do anything more than stare. Despite the sweat dripping down his face, Yuuichi feels ice cold. He tries to swallow, but his mouth is completely dry.

''T-this is...''

He isn't sure who breaks the silence and he doesn't turn around to find out, his eyes glued to the screen.

It's a slaughter.


The whole stadium is stunned into silence at the scene on the field below. No one can tear their gazes away, too terrified and shaken to do anything but watch.

Endou is holding the railings so tightly that the skin of his hands is turning white. Like everyone else, he's entrained by the horrifying game playing on the field only a few meters below him. Next to him, Kidou, Gouenji and Sakuma are in similar states.

The people at the two benches couldn't be more different. On one side, the one belonging to Mannouzaka, the benched players are as horrified as the rest of the stadium. On the other side, there are only two people. A coach, and one extra player, both as calm and nonchalant as if they were just watching TV.

And on the field, the players, one team clad in dark blue, the other in grey. The ones in dark blue are unmoving, the ones in grey standing emotionlessly. Even the referee is frozen in shock, staring at two teams and a ruined field.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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