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{Airen's boots}

.•Chapter 2•.

.•Airen's POV•.

The sound of everyone's shoes against this concrete is completely and utterly annoying. I just want to yell at all of them to take them off, but my throats too dry.

Daryl and Carol go off into the woods to look for water while everyone else stays by the vehicle. I stand up and start climbing a tree.

"What are you doing Airen?" Sasha called up the tree when I was about half way to the top.

"Getting a better look." I say.

When I made it to the top branch, I saw nothing from either side. Daryl emerged from the woods, so I broke off a twig and dropped it.

It hit him in the head, causing him to look up. I was gonna tell him that when I get close to the ground, for him to catch me, but something caught my attention. There was a blur of black across from the group and inside the woods.

I craned my neck so I can see better, but nothing. "Daryl, in the woods!" I called down.

"What?" he asks.

I point at the trees directly in front of my people and whisper yell, "There is something in the woods!"

His head snaps in that direction and I take notice that Sasha's does too. She raises her gun and points it in that direction. There are a series of little pfts from her gun and I see she shot down five dogs. Yeah. You heard right. Dogs. As in German Shepherds.

I climbed down and when I was a few feet from the ground, I jumped onto Daryl's back.


The smell of cooking dog, isn't to... appetizing. I'm handed a piece of darkened meat by Carl. It's obvious what it is. The thought of eating puppies makes me sick. Ugh.

"Just hold your nose so you can't taste it." He says. I try it.

"It works but that after taste is terrible." I coughed.

"Agreed." everyone was quiet, to busy eating dog. I pinch off a piece of the stuff and put into my mouth.

The sun is just setting. "I'm gonna go out. I'll be right back." Daryl stands.

"I'll come." Carol volunteeres.

"Nah. Just me." he objected.

I gave up on that God awful food after my first piece ten minutes ago.

Looking around, I see Cory sitting alone, chomping on the meat slowly. Bailey is having a casual conversation with Ethan like its natural. Nigel is sitting beside Noah. Rick with Glenn. Maggie alone. The list of my friends goes on. But, Abraham is sitting against a tree trunk drinking booze.

"I'll be right back." I tell Carl before plopping down next to Abraham. "Doesn't that make it worse? Burn?"

"He doesn't care." Rosita pipes up. Abraham just stared off into the trees. Okay... I guess I'll just go get Judith and sit back down with Carl.

I tear off itsy bitsy bites for her and give them to her. I can tell she doesn't like it but takes it anyway. I smile as she spits it out, examines it and then shoves it back in her mouth. Yeah, it's nasty, but it's cute. Shes mesmerized by it.

She hasn't eaten in forever it feels like. Daryl cane out of the woods finally and we all stand up, getting ready to leave.

I want to scratch my throat out until it bleeds. At least my mouth won't be dry. Bloody, but moist. I rest Judith on my hip and mess up her short hair. Between her and my backpack, my back is going to break.

I saw a drop of water fall onto her shirt. I look up and another falls onto my nose. A smile spreads across my face.

Everyone is putting out bowls to catch the water from the sky in. Its actually raining. I stick my tongue out to catch some water. It doesn't do much, but enough.

Suddenly thunder boomed into my ears. Oh no. "There's a barn!" Daryl calls over the pounding of rain on the pavement.

"Where?" Rick asks. We follow Daryl into the woods and stumble upon a clearing with a barn in the center. Barns are everywhere. We stand outside while a few people go in to clear it out.

When we know it's safe, we all file in. I rested my back against a wooden post and close my eyes, letting sleep consume me.


I open my eyes to see I'm in my bed. What happened? How am I here?

I stand up and look at the white Christmas lights draping from the ceiling. I take the glass case that's hanging on my wall and set it on my bed quietly, taking out a knife.

My grandfather kept a knife collection and I inherited it since I loved guns and bows and things like that.

I held it, ready for anything and walked towards my mom and dad's old room. The morning light shows through the blinds and I find them asleep peacefully.

So, I walk down the steps and near the kitchen. I hear something moving. I swallow the lump in my throat.

I turn the corner to see Kailee. She screams when a walker jumps from the pantry and bites into her. Just like it did what seems like so long ago.

That scream...


So, hope you liked it! Sorry if it's short. I'm really tired. Shew.

I'm gonna go to sleep now. Night! Oh, and go read my other TWD ff, Anna! I love it.

Don't forget to:





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