(Y/n) shook her head, she was confused why Marx's face was upset or worried. "No, is it important?" She was clue less about the topic.

"Yes (Y/n) this thing that you're dealing with is important." He explain. "Are you pregnant?" He ask straight to the point.


This caught (Y/n) off guard, it didn't pop in her mind that being late means that she's pregnant. She drop the plate that was on her hand, the plate shattered in the floor.

She place a hand on her stomach realizing what she's got herself into. "What am I going to do Marx?" She panic, she start to hyperventilating then stood up walking around the office.

Marx stood up then place his hand on both of her shoulder making her stand still. "Look at me (Y/n), and calm down." (Y/n) took a deep breath and look at Marx. "We're not going to tell him yet until we know for sure. You'll just have to go to Doctor Owen's clinic and tell him everything." Marx explain.

"But what if-"

"Shh... don't think that for now. First let's keep is to ourselves and not to tell Julius." Marx said.

"Not to tell me what?"

The duo yelp when they heard Julius voice by the window. Julius was just smiling at them clueless on what was going on.

"I what's going on?" He ask.

(Y/n) and Marx look at her each other. (Y/n) sigh and nod her head, she couldn't keep a secret to her boyfriend, specially in this case.

"Jules honey I have something important to discuss with you." (Y/n) frown her brow, serious about the topic.

Julius irk his brow then nod. "Okay what's wrong? Are you okay?" He started to worry, he place both of his hand on her shoulders checking if she was okay.

"Julius, I'm late." She answer.

"I don't think so, I'm the one who's late here." Julius reply, still confused with the conversation. Marx pinch the bridge of his nose them shook his head.

'Oh dear, I don't know if his stupid or just clueless.' Marx thought.

"No Julius what I mean is 'I'm late.'" She emphasized the late part. (Y/n) watch her boyfriend's reaction, but all he did was stare back at her. He was still processing what he just heard.




(◕△◕ )

(Y/n) wave her hand in front of his face trying to get his attention. "Jules?"

"Sir?" Marx called him as well, he was also waiting what would be their wizard king's reaction.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT~!!" Julius cheerfully yell then bear hug (Y/n) by the waist then lifting her up. He spin her around while he bury his face on her stomach, his eyes started to water a little.

(Y/n) yelp by his action and grab Julius by the shoulder trying her best not to fall. "Ah! Julius calm down."

"Oh I'm sorry my love it's probably bad for the baby." He place her back down then cup her face. He shower her with small kisses all over her face.

"Julius calm down, we're still not sure if I am." (Y/n) explain.

"Yes sir, we were just discussing that she need to go to Dr. Owen's office to get a test." Marx added. "Let's not get our hopes up sir."

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